Students will be required to answer a series of simple questions for …
Students will be required to answer a series of simple questions for this assignment based on material covered in lecture. This assignment also allows students the experience of searching a website for more specific information about hurricane statistics that are not covered in lecture. Hurricane Katrina will be discussed in lecture. Students will see where Katrina falls relative to other major hurricanes while answering the questions.
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This homework assignment is given in the first two weeks of class. …
This homework assignment is given in the first two weeks of class. Students receive one or two lectures that cover the topics of atmospheric layers, temperature and pressure profiles, concepts of atmospheric mass and pressure and measuring (i.e. dropsonde) instrumentation. At the beginning of each lecture I briefly show them the tropical update from the NOAA National Hurricane Center web site; if there is an active storm, I show where I go to get more info, such as the projected storm track and storm history (for example, from Intellicast Hurricane Tracking). Then, for this assignment, I reintroduce them to these hurricane information web sites and demonstrate how to find the historical data on tropical storms (such as from the Unisys Hurricane Data Archive), and how to copy and paste text data into word and/or excel, as a tab- or space-delimited file. I point out some problem areas with this data-grabbing method, such as headers that get lost from their associated data column or date information that may not format as dates. I then hand out the assignment, which asks them to:
Find data on a current or recent (this year) tropical system, provide the name and year of the storm and the reference web site, and plot the wind speed and pressure variables against time. Students should label the axes and give a descriptive title to the chart. Describe what they notice in the graphed data and if it seems believable (this allows students to decide if they have done the task correctly by using their understanding of the data). Predict what will happen if the storm a) intensifies or b) weakens. I then provide another data set (of any long-duration tropical storm that formed, weakened and later re-intensified) and ask them to go through the same process of plotting and interpretation. I tell them that some future climate predictions are for more storms with lower central pressures and ask which of the two charts best represents that future scenario, and why.
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In this project, students analyze the costs of gasoline nationwide. They also …
In this project, students analyze the costs of gasoline nationwide. They also investigate the cost-effectiveness of purchasing a new hybrid vehicle as opposed to purchasing a new vehicle that runs solely on gasoline.
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This introductory exercise allows students to evaluate predictions from hydraulic geometry, area-discharge …
This introductory exercise allows students to evaluate predictions from hydraulic geometry, area-discharge scaling and downstream fining in a complex field environment. For many this is their first time collecting, entering, plotting and analyzing data. Designed for a geomorphology course Uses online and/or real-time data Addresses student fear of quantitative aspect and/or inadequate quantitative skills
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Aquatic ecosystems are home to a complex intersection of physical and biological …
Aquatic ecosystems are home to a complex intersection of physical and biological factors and an intersection of natural and anthropogenic factors. In the Chesapeake Bay, low oxygen events have occurred periodically and may be connected with harmful algal blooms, fish kills, heavy flooding/runoff events, and warming temperatures. Careful monitoring of the system by the Chesapeake Bay Program since 1984 allows scientists and policymakers to evaluate the causes of the events and monitor improvements in the health of the ecosystem.
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Il volume rappresenta la tappa finale della prima stagione di implementazione del …
Il volume rappresenta la tappa finale della prima stagione di implementazione del Progetto ABACUS (giugno 2019 - settembre 2020), sostenuta dal finanziamento pubblico garantito dalla Regione Siciliana e dalla Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri. In tal senso, la pubblicazione raccoglie sia una sezione di materiali di discussione critica sul percorso progettuale e sui primi esiti maturati, sia una ricca parte di contributi tematici offerti da referenti istituzionali, studiosi ed esperti, docenti accademici e ricercatori, professionisti e rappresentanti di organismi del Terzo settore Sono state così affrontate ed esaminate differenti tematiche e problematiche socio-culturali e socio-economiche, e prospettive e approcci metodologico-operativi tra loro affini e convergenti, che si sviluppano a cavallo delle politiche sociali, giovanili e culturali, della progettazione sociale e culturale, dell'innovazione sociale e della diversità culturale, in differenti contesti socio-territoriali siciliani e italiani, con una particolare attenzione per quelle iniziative che rappresentano casi paradigmatici in cui le istanze istituzionali, della ricerca, dell'educazione e della formazione si incontrano con le aspettative dei pubblici differenziati e, specialmente, delle giovani generazioni, anche sull'orizzonte della innovazione dell'occupazione giovanile.
Students access the ice core data archived at Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory. They …
Students access the ice core data archived at Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory. They select a core (Greenland, Antarctica, Quelcaya), pose a working hypothesis regarding the data, import the data in an Excel-readable format, and examine the data to determine correlations between variables and cause/effect as recorded in leads and lags. They generate a written and graphical analysis of the data and, in the next lab period, discuss the similarities and differences among their group outputs in terms of demonstrated correlations, assumptions required, effects of latitude, and any other item that arises.
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The transgressive coastal sequence, as a fundamental concept in stratigraphy, will be …
The transgressive coastal sequence, as a fundamental concept in stratigraphy, will be explored by the students in a hands-on activity based on a set of high-resolution seismic profiles collected in the shoreface off Assateague Island, Maryland and Virginia. Small groups of 2-3 students will identify primary surfaces, such as the ravinement surface and sequence boundaries, and major sedimentary facies, such as offshore shoals, flood-tidal deltas, and tidal inlets, in a set of shore-parallel and shore-perpendicular lines. The exercise begins with factors controlling relative sea level and leads into accommodation space and preservation potential.
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This worksheet has students identify and annotate stratigraphic and structural features on …
This worksheet has students identify and annotate stratigraphic and structural features on top of four outcrop photos. It's designed to give students critically important practice, training their eyes to see geologically important features and understand what these features look like in real life. Stratigraphic and structural features are described for each of the four photos. Using the descriptions, students sketch and label each feature on top of the photo. For one photo, students also draw arrows to indicate the direction of fault movement given the geometry of bedding in the photo. Students also complete six multiple-choice questions pertaining to the concepts of the worksheet.
This worksheet uses the sketch-understanding program with built-in tutor: CogSketch . Therefore, students, instructors, and/or institution computer labs need to download the program from here: At any point during the worksheet, students can click the FEEDBACK button and their sketch is compared to the solution image. The built-in tutor identifies any discrepancies and reports pre-written feedback to help the student correct their sketch until they are done with the activity. Once worksheets are emailed to the instructor, worksheets can be batch graded and easily evaluated. This program allows instructors to assign sketching activities that require very little time commitment. Instead, the built-in tutor provides feedback whenever the student requests, without the presence of the instructor. More information on using the program and the activity is in the Instructor's Notes.
We have developed approximately two dozen introductory geoscience worksheets using this program. Each worksheet has a background image and instructions for a sketching task. You can find additional worksheets by searching for "CogSketch" using the search box at the top of this page. We expect to have uploaded all of them by the end of the summer of 2016.
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In this exercise, students use whole-rock major- and trace-element compositions of igneous …
In this exercise, students use whole-rock major- and trace-element compositions of igneous rocks from a variety of tectonic settings and locations to explore the importance of plate setting in determining magma compositions. Students are split into groups and assigned different tectonic settings to examine and compare with other groups. Datasets are obtained from the GEOROC database, imported into Excel spreadsheets, and graphed to learn how igneous rock compositions are a function of plate tectonic setting.
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In this exercise, students are split into groups to gather whole-rock geochemical …
In this exercise, students are split into groups to gather whole-rock geochemical data (major-, trace-, and rare-earth elements) from the GEOROC database for igneous rocks sampled from four different plate tectonic settings: mid-ocean ridges, subduction zones, oceanic islands, and oceanic plateaus. Each group is assigned a different plate tectonic setting and collects three datasets from different locations for their tectonic setting. Geochemical data is graphed as major-element variation and REE diagrams to quantify igneous diversity both within the same tectonic setting and between different tectonic settings. The main goal of this exercise is to demonstrate that igneous rock compositions are a strong function of plate tectonic setting.
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This lesson shows how to use Python and skimage to do basic …
This lesson shows how to use Python and skimage to do basic image processing. With support from an NSF iUSE grant, Dr. Tessa Durham Brooks and Dr. Mark Meysenburg at Doane College, Nebraska, USA have developed a curriculum for teaching image processing in Python. This lesson is currently being piloted at different institutions. This pilot phase will be followed by a clean-up phase to incorporate suggestions and feedback from the pilots into the lessons and to make the lessons teachable by the broader community. Development for these lessons has been supported by a grant from the Sloan Foundation.
Quick review worksheet that has students draw a sequence of illustrations of …
Quick review worksheet that has students draw a sequence of illustrations of what would occur to a syntectonic quart vein, a pebble conglomerate, a rigid object, and a garnet porphyroblast for pure vs. simple shear. I've used this both as a quiz & as an in-class review.
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Short in-class review question about using given strike and dip information to …
Short in-class review question about using given strike and dip information to classify a fold. Stereonets used.
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A toddler wading pool or similar tank is filled with common sand …
A toddler wading pool or similar tank is filled with common sand (available from home improvement stores in bags) to a depth of 15-20 cm. The sand is saturated with a slow inflow and outflow to a floor drain. A 2-inch PVC slotted screen section is buried in the sand near the center of the tank with a capped end at the bottom. Small (1 cm diameter or similar) slotted or perforated PVC or copper tubing are placed as piezometers in the sand at short distances (e.g., 10-20 cm) from the pumping "well." A fountain pump capable of discharging up to 100-150 ml/min is placed within the "well" with adequate discharge tubing to conduct the water to a drain. A stopcock is placed in the tubing to control flow. Alternatively, if the tank of sand is on a very sturdy table, a simple siphon with tubing can be used as a pump. Drawdown is determined by the difference between a pre-pumping level measurement from the top of the "piezometers" and subsequent measurements made in the same "piezometer" at times after pumping starts. Water levels may be measured using chalked wooden rods. Alternatively, a small cork with a slender wooded food skewer marked in millimeter increments can be placed in each piezometers and the students can watch the change in level of the markings relative to the top of the "piezometer." Flow is repeatedly measured using a graduated cylinder. At the start of the test, students or teams of students are assigned to either take water level measurements at a specific piezometer or to measure and control the flow rate. The data are collected on a logarithmically increasing time interval for about an hour. The flow and drawdown data are analyzed by various means (Theis curve, Jacob straight-line method, Bolton curves, etc.) either manually or using AQTESOLV or similar software. Though the drawdowns are small, the data have provided quite reasonable estimates of hydraulic conductivity for the sand.
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This module includes 10 topics related to finding, evaluating, and presenting scientific …
This module includes 10 topics related to finding, evaluating, and presenting scientific information related to climate change or other interdisciplinary topics.
The ultimate goal is for students to prepare a paper and present it to their colleagues as though they were giving it at typical professional meeting such as American Geophysical Union, Geological Society of America, or American Quaternary Association. However, the technical level of the talk should be at a level that the class will understand and enjoy.
The topic should demonstrate scientific method rather than being merely descriptive or primarily applied science/technology. Students should use current literature. The presentation will be more interesting if the subject is somewhat controversial. The final product should demonstrate that the student understands and has gained the skills presented in all 10 topics.
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Information visualization is concerned with the visual and interactive representation of abstract …
Information visualization is concerned with the visual and interactive representation of abstract and possibly complex datasets. As we encounter growing datasets in various sectors there is an increasing need to develop effective methods for making sense of data. Information visualization relies on computational means and our perceptual system to help reveal otherwise invisible patterns and gain new insights. Across various fields, there is great hope in the power of visualization to turn complex data into informative, engaging, and maybe even attractive forms. However, it typically takes several steps of data preparation and processing before a given dataset can be meaningfully visualized. While visualizations can indeed provide novel and useful perspectives on data, they can also obscure or misrepresent certain aspects of a phenomenon. Thus it is essential to develop a critical literacy towards the rhetoric of information visualization. One of the best ways to develop this literacy is to learn how to create visualizations! The tutorials offer a practical approach to working with data and to create interactive visualizations.
The tutorials require basic familiarity with statistics and programming. They come as Jupyter notebooks containing both human-readable explanations as well as computable code. The code blocks in the tutorials are written in Python, which you should either have already some experience with or a keen curiosity for. The tutorials make frequent use of the data analysis library Pandas, the visualization library Altair, and a range of other packages. You can view the tutorials as webpages, open and run them on Google Colab, or download the Jupyter notebook files to edit and run them locally.
Student teams design, build and test small-sized gliders to maximize flight distance …
Student teams design, build and test small-sized gliders to maximize flight distance and an aerodynamic ratio, applying their knowledge of fluid dynamics to its role in flight. Students experience the entire engineering design process, from brainstorming to CAD (or by hand) drafting, including researching (physics of aerodynamics and glider components that take advantage of that science), creating materials lists, constructing, testing and evaluating—all within constraints (works with a launcher, budget limitation, maximizing flight distance to mass ratio), and concluding with a summary final report. Numerous handouts and rubrics are provided.
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