Subject Areas

The OERColorado Subject Areas MHub is a one stop location for accessing all the Colorado State Standard Subject Areas. 

Access Content Area Resources

Welcome to the OERColorado Subject Area Microsite Hub (MHubs). These MHubs include collections of materials for Subject Areas in the state of Colorado, loosely named to align to Colorado Department of Education naming conventions. Select from the individual Subject Area Hub logo/icon below for access to the specific resources within.

OERColorado May Webinar Series

New to OER? Or Ready for a Deep Dive? Either way our May 2024 OER Webinar Series offers free knowledge for everyone. 

Openly-licensed Educational Resources (OER) for all educators can save schools money and allow teachers the ability to adapt quality free institional resources to their classroom context to support or extend learning. Open Education is the movement to reduce cost and other barriers to knowledge, making education more accessible to all. 

Want to find out more about OER and Open Education? Register for the upcoming OERColorado webinar series to learn more about OER for Colorado, 9-10:30am MST. Can’t attend live? Register anyway to access the recordings.

  • What Are Open Educational Resources (OER) on May 7, 2024

  • Adapting Open Educational Resources (OER) on May 14, 2024

  • Vetting and Adopting Open Educational Resources (OER) Oct 1, 2024      

  • Open Educational Resources (OER) Leadership and Advocacy Oct 8, 2024

Visit the curriculum library to see how our resources can support your classroom and school! Email us at Subscribe for OERColorado project updates.

Subject Area MHubs

Select an Icon below to visit the Microsite Hub for each subject. Note that selection opens the MHub in a new browser tab.

OERColorado Supporters


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