OER User & Maker

Explore collections related to using and making OER.


This Microsite Hub (MHub) is dedicated providing collections of materials serving the needs of PK-12+ OER Users and Makers in the state of Colorado. These collections and resources are designed to help you learn more about copyright, the open education movement, creating OER and sharing, collaborating and repurposing OER for your classroom and educational needs. 

To join the OER User & Maker Hub, visit the "Join the OER User & Maker Hub" in the Groups Section and ask to join. Once approved, the OER User & Maker Hub will appear in your "My Hubs" section of the Microsite. If you have a collaborative group you'd like to form on the site, reach out to info@oercolorado.org  to approve your logo. 

Note that not all resources in the OERColorado collections align with Colorado state standards, state guidelines, or local guidelines. We advise all OERColorado users to consult with their district and/or school Curriculum Specialist if there are any questions or concerns about use of these resources.

OERColorado May Webinar Series

What’s the word? OER is the word! Openly-licensed Educational Resources (OER) for all educators can save schools money and allow teachers the ability to adapt free resources to their classroom context. Open Education is the movement to reduce cost and other barriers to knowledge, making education more accessible to all. 

Want to find out more about OER and Open Education? Register for the upcoming OERColorado webinar series to learn more about OER for Colorado, 9-10:30am MST. Can’t attend live? Register anyway to access the recordings.

-What Are Open Educational Resources (OER) on May 7, 2024

-Adapting Open Educational Resources (OER) on May 14, 2024

-Vetting and Adopting Open Educational Resources (OER) Oct 1, 2024      

-Open Educational Resources (OER) Leadership and Advocacy Oct 8, 2024

Visit the OERColorado.org curriculum library to see how our resources can support your classroom and school! Email us at OERColorado@gmail.com.

OERColorado Supporters


CR BOCES, CDE, CEL Supporter Logos