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This resource provides description on entrepreneurship development, and elucidates on the strategies of Small Business Management in the 21st Century.

Business and Communication
Material Type:
Case Study
Lecture Notes
The Saylor Foundation
David Cadden
Quinnipiac University Sandra L. Lueder
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Environmental Geology of the Area where you Live
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Students collect data for this term project starting with the first lab exercise and continuing throughout the semester. As each unit is covered in the text, class, and lab, students are directed to collect data relevant to their term project. For example: Topographic maps are covered at the start of the semester and students must locate their home; describe its location using the Public Land Survey, Universal Transverse Mercator, and Longitude-Latitude Systems; and describe the local topography. When natural hazards (flooding, slopes, earthquakes, volcanoes, and radon gas) are covered, students must use web resources (some of which are provided by the instructor at http://www2.ivcc.edu/phillips/geology/environmental_research.htm), local resources (such as the local fire chief, library, mayor, relatives, and neighbors), and personal observation to identify hazards and assess the risk they pose; these hazards are submitted as part of a lab assignment. The information collected is analyzed using the principles discussed in class and feedback is provided on pieces that are submitted throughout the semester. At the conclusion of the semester, students organize the collected information, add illustrations (maps and photos), analyze and evaluate the materials collected, and conclude the report with a discussion of how the area should be developed in the future based on the principles learned in the class.

The activity shows the students the immediate relevance of the material as it is covered, shows the students the types of information publicly available, and helps them develop critical analysis skills. The activity introducers students to basic geologic knowledge and shows them how to make use of it.

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Business and Communication
Earth and Space Science
Life Science
Political Science
Social Science
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Science Education Resource Center (SERC) at Carleton College
Provider Set:
Teach the Earth
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Erasmus+ KA2 “F.A.S.T.E.S.T.” - Digital Storytelling for Entrepreneurship in VET agroindustrial schools
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Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership project called "Food & Agroindustrial Schools Toward Entrepreneurship by Storytelling & digital Technology" (Project No. 2015-1-IT01-KA202-004608), about developing entrepreneurship in VET agrifood students through digital storytelling techniques

Aim of the project is to develop in VET teachers functional skills to integrate systematically in the curricula entrepreneurship education to develop active citizenship and employability, supporting person-centered and experiential learning, through the creation of OER of “Digital storytelling “.

Context: the project aims to involve multi-disciplinary teams of teachers, as “agents of change”, and students, as a new generation of potential entrepreneurs but also as workers with an “entrepreneurial approach”, of VET schools of secondary level of IT, PT, RO and BG, similar among themselves because of the lack of a systematic training-for-trainers in relation to entrepreneurship, with consequences of absence of entrepreneurship as a field of learning in the regular curricula. The focus is on schools and companies related to the agro-industrial sector, in all countries, that needs an injection of new businesses to emerge from a state of heightened shortage of skilled professionals and young people in working cohorts.

Activities and methodology: creation of 1) action-research that prefigures: terms of educational value of storytelling for the development of an entrepreneurial mind-set; didactical sustainability of practices of digital manipulation in the development of educational programs for the development of entrepreneurial skills; new skills required by teachers for the effective use of the methodology to support the acquisition of entrepreneurial skills; 2) multilingual hypervideos (pupil-led experimentations); 3) Training Programmes for the blended use of hypervideos revised by teachers (teacher-led experimentations); 4) Methodological guidelines for the effective use of digital storytelling for learning entrepreneurial skills in school context – systematization of experimentations for their release as OERs.

Number and profile of participants: they will be directly involved in the project activities: 12 teachers/school principals – in interdisciplinary teams and transnational learning/teaching/training activities; 12 ICT experts and 16 representatives of business sector for O1; 40 teachers in 8 focus groups for O1; min. 8 entrepreneurs of FDMP sector for O2; 160 students for O2 and other 160 students for O3; at least 160 “local participants” in the 4 multiplier events.

In terms of expected results, the use of hypervideos as OERs will allow direct knowledge of the related production chain; their creation will enable a “learning by doing”, with a direct experience of the entrepreneurial skills necessary for the realization of a complex project (experimental meta-learning). It is expected an increase of the dialogue between schools and businesses, able to prevent, in the long term, any gap in the professional knowledge necessary to the efforts of innovation required in an evolving industrial sector.

Impacts for VET: spread / enhance different learning styles (innovative teaching); expand the provision of curricular training; increase motivation among the “digital generation”; open to contributions from experts in the business sector; create a more fluid and productive dialogue between formal and informal knowledge – take informal knowledge and transform it into digital resources. Benefits: the VET system will increase its attractiveness, expand its training offer and modernize its teaching approaches, reduce cases of ESL, qualify its staff members (refer to either digital and entrepreneurial skills), root further in the territory by consolidating relations with the socio-economic context.

Impacts for learners: increase of entrepreneurial skills applied in life and school paths; increase of motivation for further education; stimulus to entrepreneurship as a realistic professional opportunity after school; increase of digital skills through the “generative” choice to produce Learning Objects (benefits: spread of technical-scientific culture and reducing of digital divide).

Impacts for business/FDMP sector: connecting with local educational institutions and new generations of workers (role of “virtual business angel”); reflection on entrepreneurial mind-set skills on a personal and a corporate level; study of the potential of digital storytelling to tell / sell a company, for information, marketing or training purposes. Benefits: increased level of entrepreneurship / entrepreneurial spirit in FDMP.

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Intellectual Output 1: Research Action about the current state of exploitation of storytelling and digital storytelling for didactic purposes in the participating EU countries (Italy, Bulgaria, Romania, Portugal)

Intellectual Output 2: Creation of 8 hypervideos about stories of success and interviews to local entrepreneurs from the agroindustrial sector (Tomato industry, cheese industry, meat industry, bakery industry, wine industry). Videos are made by made by students at school with teachers' supervision and guidance about gaining knowledge and meaning out of the experience. Videos are then turned into hypervideos by students themselves, adding further hypermedia contents from the web about entrepreneurship and /or sector-related information

Intellectual Output 3: Exploitation and testing of the hypervideos as didactic and teaching tools on students who did not take part in the video-making experience. Elaboration of 4 teaching programs (one for each of the 4 participating countries Italy, Bulgaria, Romania and Portugal) about entrepreneurship using hypervideos to create a blended learning experience

Intellectual Output 4: Methodological guidelines for future users or makers of new hypervideos. How to use the project's Output for educational purposes and how to make brand new hypervides from scratch. Technical guide about how to deal with a videomaking & editing process.

Agriculture and Natural Resources
Business and Communication
Career and Technical Education
Comprehensive Health and Physical Education
Cultural Geography
Educational Technology
Social Science
Visual Arts
Visual Arts and Design
Material Type:
Case Study
Lesson Plan
Cisita Parma scarl
Date Added:
Ethical Considerations and Risks
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15. Brave New World: Ethical Considerations and Risks

The trifecta of globalization, urbanization and digitization have created new opportunities and challenges across our nation, cities, boroughs and urban centers. Cities in particular are in a unique position at the center of commerce and technology becoming hubs for innovation and practical application of emerging technology. In this rapidly changing 24/7 digitized world, governments are leveraging innovation and technology to become more effective, efficient, transparent and to be able to better plan for and anticipate the needs of its citizens, businesses and community organizations. This class will provide the framework for how cities and communities can become smarter and more accessible with technology and more connected.

Business and Communication
Material Type:
CUNY Academic Works
Provider Set:
Medgar Evers College
Rhonda S. Binda
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Event Management Case Study: Cultivating Stakeholders for Special Events
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Cultivating stakeholders is a critical part of event management. This application activity covers the following four-stage process for involving stakeholders in an event: identification of stakeholders, classifying stakeholders, assessing stakeholders, and maintaining stakeholders. A case study is provided for students to apply to cultivating stakeholders in an industry example.

Business and Communication
English Language Arts
Material Type:
Case Study
Lesson Plan
Iowa State University
Eric Olson
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Event Management Case Study: Market Segmentation of Festival Attendees of an International Festival
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0.0 stars

In the market segmentation of festival attendees application activity, students will review a mini-lecture material related to market segmentation, target marketing, and event positioning. Students will then apply the concepts of marketing segmentation, target marketing, and event positioning by analyzing data collected from an international music festival to establish the target market of the international music festival.

Arts and Humanities
Business and Communication
Career and Technical Education
English Language Arts
New Media and Technology
Performing Arts
Material Type:
Case Study
Lesson Plan
Iowa State University
Eric Olson
Olson Eric
Date Added:
Event Management Case Study: The Case of Aspen Music Festival and School
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0.0 stars

Risk management is a critical part of event management. This worksheet covers definitions of the key aspects of risk management and the steps taken by event management in creating a risk management plan. A case study is provided for students to apply the risk management process in an industry example.

Arts and Humanities
Business and Communication
Performing Arts
Material Type:
Case Study
Iowa State University
Eric Olson
Heeyle Park
Olson Eric
Park Heeyle
Date Added:
Event Management Case Study: The Case of International Front Runners
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Sponsorship management is activities that an event organization engages in to secure support from sponsors and manage the interests of sponsors at the event. The organizer and sponsor are jointly interested in successfully operating events for their mutual benefit. This section provides an overview of sponsorship management for events. The differences between sponsorship and advertising were compared for their strengths and weaknesses. The sponsorship management of a social event was discussed from the prospective from the perspective of organizers and sponsors. A case study on an LGBT+ event provided a case problem for how to construct a social media sponsorship package.

Business and Communication
Public Relations
Material Type:
Case Study
Lesson Plan
Iowa State University
Eric Olson
Heeyle Park
Olson Eric
Park Heeyle
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Exploring Business
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The author's goals in writing Exploring Business were simple: (1) introduce students to business in an exciting way and (2) provide faculty with a fully developed teaching package that allows them to do the former. Toward those ends, the following features are included in this text:1- Integrated (Optional) Nike Case Study: A Nike case study is available for instructors who wish to introduce students to business using an exciting and integrated case. Through an in-depth study of a real company, students learn about the functional areas of business and how these areas fit together. Studying a dynamic organization on a real-time basis allows students to discover the challenges that it faces, and exposes them to critical issues affecting the business, such as globalization, ethics and social responsibility, product innovation, diversity, supply chain management, and e-business.2- A Progressive (Optional) Business Plan: Having students develop a business plan in the course introduces students to the excitement and challenges of starting a business and helps them discover how the functional areas of business interact. This textbook package includes an optionalintegrated business plan project modeled after one refined by the author and her teaching team over the past ten years.3- AACSB Emphasis: The text provides end-of-chapter questions, problems, and cases that ask students to do more than regurgitate information. Most require students to gather information, assess a situation, think about it critically, and reach a conclusion. Each chapter presents ten Questions and Problems as well as five cases on areas of skill and knowledge endorsed by AACSB: Learning on the Web, Career Opportunities, The Ethics Angle, Team-Building Skills, and The Global View. More than 70% of end-of-chapter items help students build skills in areas designated as critical by AACSB, including analytical skills, ethical awareness and reasoning abilities, multicultural understanding and globalization, use of information technology, and communications and team oriented skills. Each AACSB inspired exercise is identified by an AACSB tag and a note indicating the relevant skill area.4- Author-Written Instructor Manual (IM): For the past eleven years, Karen Collins has been developing, coordinating and teaching (to over 3,500 students) an Introduction to Business course. Sections of the course have been taught by a mix of permanent faculty, graduate students, and adjuncts.

Business and Communication
Material Type:
Case Study
University of Minnesota
Provider Set:
University of Minnesota Libraries Publishing
Karen Collins
Date Added:
FARMINFIN Training Platform
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The learning resources presented here have been developed through an ERASMUS+ project for adult education entitled “FARMINFIN: Farming concepts and innovative funding/financing” (Project Nº: 2019-1-BE01-KA202-050397) carried out between 2019 and 2021.

The FARMINFIN project provides farmers with the needed competences for the implementation of innovative financing means tailored adequately for their own farms, entrepreneurial approach and personal circumstances.

FARMINFIN training material is aimed at young farmers taking over the business of their parents or simply aiming at business development. For them it is very important to have a solid financial basis for their agricultural businesses!

FARMINFIN has developed a web-based app where you can access to all the project’s training materials which are available in 7 languages: English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Czech and Swedish. Through our learning platform you will be able to:

1. Get an overview of the actual situation of innovative financing in family farms in Europe and the available financing tools.
2. Gain knowledge and experience from selected best practices across Europe.
3. Foster professional handling of innovative financing means by farmers.
4. Strengthen economic and socio-economic viability of family farms, and therefore deliver added value to rural development.

The training resources you will find are the following:

SUMMARY REPORT: here you will find an overview of the situation of alternative ways of financing in the farming sector in Europe. The report provides a picture of the common findings across participating project countries, which have been analysed in more detail. You will find also in this section a downloadable annex that graphically shows all the data collected during the development of the report and can be viewed in detail segmented by country.

CATALOGUE: In the catalogue you will find not only a list of the main subsidies’ lines and general financing products, but also the financing products adapted to agriculture and more importantly, a large catalogue of the main products of alternative or innovative financing illustrated with a diagram showing the actors involved and the relationships between them. More specifically, the catalogue has identified:
- 14 of the main lines of subsidies.
- Main general funding products categorised into:
o Public sector (both European and national);
o Short-term private sector (11 tools identified);
o Long-term private sector (8 tools identified).
- Main financing products adapted to agriculture, for the agricultural, livestock and forestry sector.
- Main innovative financing products, where a total of 21 innovative financing tools have been catalogued in detail, including diagrams to illustrate how they work.

BEST PRACTICES: in this section you will find a series of 17 examples of farms across Europe that represent a wide range of best practices in the implementation of innovative financing schemes in the farming sector. Through this section you will learn from real experiences, reading about farmer’s problems related to financing and how they solved them. Learning from existing experiences will surely inspire you.

TRAINING MODULES: learning materials plenty of tips and suggestions on how to deal with relevant topics around the financing of your farm. In addition to the prepared contents of the modules, there is an opportunity to self-test your initial knowledge before taking the module and there is also a test at the end of the module to see whether you understood the contents. The modules also include useful templates, canvas and tools to be used in your learning pathway as well as in your professional activity.

For all components of the learning platform, information is provided in a comprehensive and user-friendly design and the materials can also be downloaded in PDF format.

Agriculture and Natural Resources
Business and Communication
Material Type:
Case Study
Full Course
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Financial Accounting, Summer 2004
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Studies basic concepts of financial and managerial accounting. Viewpoint is that of the users of accounting information (especially managers) rather than the preparer (the accountant).

Business and Communication
Material Type:
Full Course
Provider Set:
MIT OpenCourseWare
Kothari, S. P.
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Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Water Resources
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This exercise posits a hypothetical situation: you would like to purchase land that will provide your family with opportunities to fish and swim in a stream on your property. Additionally, you would like the land to afford some privacy. In order to find such a place, you need to locate land for sale that has a stream running through it and you want to confirm that the stream water is clean. The following activity illustrates how one can locate land with particular characteristics and also assess surface water quality for local bodies of water. The data you will use might pertain to any location where streams flow through residential areas.

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Agriculture and Natural Resources
Business and Communication
Earth and Space Science
Environmental Studies
Physical Science
Political Science
Social Science
Material Type:
Science Education Resource Center (SERC) at Carleton College
Provider Set:
Teach the Earth
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How Much Water Do I Use?
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This activity provides an opportunity for the student to collect data on their individual water use to set the stage for a unit on water resources.

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Business and Communication
Earth and Space Science
Life Science
Political Science
Social Science
Material Type:
Science Education Resource Center (SERC) at Carleton College
Provider Set:
Teach the Earth
Date Added:
Human Resource Management (Business 301)
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

You know the basics of managing human capital from your Principles of Management course, but this course will introduce you to more advanced topics in the field. You will learn that identifying the best employees begins with identifying the firmŐs needs and carrying out a proper recruitment and selection process. Training, development, and performance evaluations can then shape the selected employee into an ideal firm resource. Finally, adequate and incentivizing compensation can keep those resources with the firm. This course will cover all these topics and more.

Business and Communication
Material Type:
Full Course
The Saylor Foundation
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Hydrogeology Research Project
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This activity is for students to work in teams (2012) or individually (2013) to develop a project (such as a physical or numerical model), survey based research, case study, technical briefs on a remediation technology, etc. of the students' choice, based on their understanding of and interest in the subjects covered in the class. This is used in the GL 199 Hydrogeology course, which is offered through the Department of Geology and Environmental Sciences at Norwich University. This is an experimental course that has not made it to the course catalogue as yet. It is currently offered to students majoring in Geology, with an acknowledgement that a course in hydrogeology is a desirable component of a Geology curriculum. Environmental Science students are encouraged to take it to deepen their understanding of subsurface processes. This course is considered a science elective for Civil and Environmental Engineering majors, and greatly complements the Hydrology, and Soils and Materials classes that are a part of the regular CE&E curriculum. Students from freshmen through seniors across these three majors are accepted into the course.
With a cross section of majors and academic years in the class, it was determined that a project that has students thinking about a topic of their choice and developing fundamental research and collaboration skills is critical to meeting common workplace demands.

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Agriculture and Natural Resources
Applied Science
Business and Communication
Earth and Space Science
Environmental Science
Environmental Studies
Life Science
Political Science
Social Science
Material Type:
Case Study
Lesson Plan
Science Education Resource Center (SERC) at Carleton College
Provider Set:
Teach the Earth
Tara Kulkarni
Date Added:
Hydrology Service-Learning at UVM
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At the University of Vermont, instructors used land use change, driven by development of the University of Vermont campus and recent student occupancy of surrounding neighborhoods in Burlington, Vermont, as an opportunity for service learning and for teaching fundamental hydrologic and geologic skills. Students from a Geomorphology class, Geohydrology class and student senior research projects all worked on the preoject. In each of these studies, students worked closely with City and University staff and presented results at local forums, professional national meeting, and on the World Wide Web. These service-learning projects have received positive feedback from the students, city officals, and community members.

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Business and Communication
Earth and Space Science
Life Science
Political Science
Social Science
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Science Education Resource Center (SERC) at Carleton College
Provider Set:
Teach the Earth
Date Added:
I Bacini Culturali e la progettazione sociale orientata all’Heritage-Making, tra Politiche giovanili, Innovazione sociale, Diversità culturale
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Il volume rappresenta la tappa finale della prima stagione di implementazione del Progetto ABACUS (giugno 2019 - settembre 2020), sostenuta dal finanziamento pubblico garantito dalla Regione Siciliana e dalla Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri. In tal senso, la pubblicazione raccoglie sia una sezione di materiali di discussione critica sul percorso progettuale e sui primi esiti maturati, sia una ricca parte di contributi tematici offerti da referenti istituzionali, studiosi ed esperti, docenti accademici e ricercatori, professionisti e rappresentanti di organismi del Terzo settore Sono state così affrontate ed esaminate differenti tematiche e problematiche socio-culturali e socio-economiche, e prospettive e approcci metodologico-operativi tra loro affini e convergenti, che si sviluppano a cavallo delle politiche sociali, giovanili e culturali, della progettazione sociale e culturale, dell'innovazione sociale e della diversità culturale, in differenti contesti socio-territoriali siciliani e italiani, con una particolare attenzione per quelle iniziative che rappresentano casi paradigmatici in cui le istanze istituzionali, della ricerca, dell'educazione e della formazione si incontrano con le aspettative dei pubblici differenziati e, specialmente, delle giovani generazioni, anche sull'orizzonte della innovazione dell'occupazione giovanile.

Agriculture and Natural Resources
Applied Science
Architecture and Design
Art History
Arts and Humanities
Business and Communication
Career and Technical Education
Computer Science
Computer, Networking and Telecommunications Systems
Culinary Arts
Cultural Geography
Earth and Space Science
Educational Technology
English Language Arts
Environmental Studies
Ethnic Studies
Graphic Arts
Higher Education
Hospitality, Tourism and Social Service Careers
Information Science
Life Science
Measurement and Data
Performing Arts
Political Science
Public Relations
Social Science
Social Work
Special Education
Visual Arts
Visual Arts and Design
World Cultures
World Languages
Material Type:
Case Study
Primary Source
Teaching/Learning Strategy
Date Added:
Investigating contaminant transport and environmental justice issues in a local watershed through service learning projects with Sierra Club
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The Sierra Club has defined an issue that the Environmental Hydrogeology class will help address in this project: most of the surface waters in Memphis are under fish advisories and yet a portion of the population still subsistence fishes from these waters. Our main product we will produce for Sierra Club is a map of fishing sightings based on survey data we collect during the semester and a proposed sampling strategy to assess potential pollutants based on the knowledge the students gain in field and lab activities. We will also provide information on the percentage of survey participants that are aware of pollution issues in the local waterways and percentage that would be detered from fishing if they saw a sign. At the end of the semester, the students will hold an art contest to design better fish advisory signs, and designs will be made available to Sierra Club and the TN Dept. of Environment and Conservation.

Prior to beginning these activities, the students will have created a base map of Memphis in GIS during a previous lab and used it to consider questions of pollutant runoff from various urban spaces such as golf courses, roads, shopping centers, and City parks. (The instructions for this activity are included in the other materials section below under Creating a Base Map in GIS (Microsoft Word 2007 (.docx) 30kB Feb7 10).) The base map will be used throughout the activities as field data and information from interviews/surveys are collected and added to the map for subsequent consideration of possible environmental justice issues.

The lab activities outlined require the students to conduct grain size analyses using samples that community members provide to them, calculate hydraulic conductivity, measure infiltration rates in the community, estimate impervious surfaces within the community, and subsequently model the transport of water within that community. Results of their work will be conveyed back to the community both through personal contact and via the Wiki page the students produce. Students will base their sampling recommendations by generalizing the concepts learned from these activities (and others during the semester) to apply the course material to the service project. The final map of sighting and recommendations for Sierra Club requires the students to apply concepts from previous activities and will be completed during the lab activity: Mapping survey results.

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Agriculture and Natural Resources
Business and Communication
Environmental Studies
Physical Science
Political Science
Social Science
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Science Education Resource Center (SERC) at Carleton College
Provider Set:
Teach the Earth
Date Added:
Investigative Case - "Goodbye Honey Buckets"
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0.0 stars

Students will investigate arctic geology and hydrology as well as tundra ecology as they consider options for sewage treatment. Public safety, environmental impact, and issues of construction and engineering will be explored.

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Agriculture and Natural Resources
Business and Communication
Environmental Studies
Physical Science
Political Science
Social Science
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Science Education Resource Center (SERC) at Carleton College
Provider Set:
Teach the Earth
Developed by Lana McNeil, College of Rural Alaska, Nome for Lifelines Online. (http://bioquest.org/lifelines/index.html)
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Investigative Case - "Swampeast Missouri"
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0.0 stars

Students will explore wetland hydrology and biology and decide whether or not to restore a wetland or retain dams and drainage systems.

(Note: this resource was added to OER Commons as part of a batch upload of over 2,200 records. If you notice an issue with the quality of the metadata, please let us know by using the 'report' button and we will flag it for consideration.)

Business and Communication
Earth and Space Science
Life Science
Political Science
Social Science
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Science Education Resource Center (SERC) at Carleton College
Provider Set:
Teach the Earth
Date Added: