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  • Center for Advanced Automotive Technology
Energy and Manufacturing: Cluster Workforce Analyses
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This resource contains two reports that analyze several of Michigan's labor market measures in the energy and manufacturing industries. These measures include employment concentration, trends, forecasts, key occupations, education program completers, and workforce demographics. These reports are designed to be an additional tool to assist in the implementation of the Michigan Industry Cluster Approach (MICA). MICA focuses on aligning efforts "“ initiatives, programs, and funding "“ around priority clusters for a demand-driven workforce system. A key activity of MICA is the convening of groups of employers to identify and develop solutions to address workforce needs. The findings within these reports are intended to provide a road map that leads to stronger partnerships and a more effective workforce development system.

Automotive Technology and Repair
Skilled Trades and Services
Material Type:
Data Set
Center for Automotive Technology - Macomb
Provider Set:
Center for Advanced Automotive Technology
State of Michigan
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Evaluating Electric Vehicle Charging Impacts and Customer Charging Behaviors – Experiences from Six Smart Grid Investment Grant Projects
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This resource contains a report on electric car charging presenting customer behaviors and their impact on the grid.

Automotive Technology and Repair
Skilled Trades and Services
Material Type:
Case Study
Data Set
Center for Automotive Technology - Macomb
Provider Set:
Center for Advanced Automotive Technology
Department of Energy
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Hybrid Technologies Clinics
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This resource was developed by Lansing Community College (LCC) to educate first responders, technicians, and the general public on the operation, technology, and safety concerns related to electric and hybrid electric vehicles (EVs and HEVs). The materials included were used in three separate clinics hosted at LCC and were developed with seed funding from the CAAT. Included materials are four presentations, an EV/HEV identification lab, and two additional documents relating to electricity and EV/HEV batteries. The titles of the three clinics are as follows: (1) Hybrid and Electric Vehicle First Responder Procedures, (2) Service Hybrid Vehicles Safely, and (3) Hybrid and Electric Drive Trains and Types of Batteries.

Automotive Technology and Repair
Skilled Trades and Services
Material Type:
Lecture Notes
Unit of Study
Center for Automotive Technology - Macomb
Provider Set:
Center for Advanced Automotive Technology
Lansing Community College
Date Added:
Implementing an Integrated Learning System for Hybrid Vehicle Technology: Supporting the Green Transportation
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World competition and stringent United States fuel economy goals, and emission regulations for the 21st century vehicles, have pressured the automotive industry to design and evaluate advanced automobiles at an accelerated rate. The industry consensus is that the Hybrid Electric Vehicle (HEV) represents the currently available technology for increasing propulsion system efficiency and decreasing pollutant emissions. However, HEVs operate much differently than conventional vehicles. Therefore, existing design techniques and guidelines developed for conventional powertrains do not apply well to hybrid vehicles. There is a need for training automotive technicians and engineers as well as educating students in this new and emergent technology of HEV. This paper describes a funded project whose goal is to fill this need by developing integrated learning system for HEV technology. This project targets engineering/engineering technology students in 4-year universities, automotive technology students in community colleges, automotive engineers and technicians in industries, and technology teachers in secondary schools.

Automotive Technology and Repair
Skilled Trades and Services
Material Type:
Full Course
Center for Automotive Technology - Macomb
Provider Set:
Center for Advanced Automotive Technology
Wayne State University and Macomb Community College
Date Added:
Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) ePrimer
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This ITS ePrimer provides transportation professionals with fundamental concepts and practices related to ITS technologies. This resource can help practicing professionals and students better understand how ITS is integrated into the planning, design, deployment, and operations of surface transportation systems. The ePrimer is both a stand-alone reference document for the practitioner as well as a text for education and training programs.

Automotive Technology and Repair
Skilled Trades and Services
Material Type:
Case Study
Data Set
Full Course
Lecture Notes
Lesson Plan
Unit of Study
Center for Automotive Technology - Macomb
Provider Set:
Center for Advanced Automotive Technology
Intelligent Transportation Systems Joint Program Office, U.S. Department of Transportation
Date Added:
Introduction to Electrified Vehicles
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This PowerPoint presentation was delivered by Anthony Tisler from the Michigan Academy for Green Mobility Alliance (MAGMA) at the Utica Community Schools' Professional Development Day for Teachers in the Industrial Arts/Engineering Pathway, held at the Instructional Resource Center in Sterling Heights, MI on April 15, 2014. The presentation provides information on electric vehicle architecture and components. It is a great tool for introducing students at the high school or college level to various battery electric vehicle (BEV) and hybrid electric vehicle (HEV) components, configurations, and operation.

Automotive Technology and Repair
Skilled Trades and Services
Material Type:
Lecture Notes
Center for Automotive Technology - Macomb
Provider Set:
Center for Advanced Automotive Technology
Michigan Academy for Green Mobility Alliance (MAGMA)
Date Added:
Lithium Ion Batteries: Recycling and Repurposing
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This resource contains a set of eleven modules and supporting labs developed by Grand Valley State University and Muskegon Community College concerning processes for the remanufacturing, repurposing, and recycling of advanced energy storage systems. They were developed for use in community college and university programs as well as on-the job training through seed funding from the CAAT. Included with each module is an overview of the topic and lab activities with review questions (instructor version with solutions included).

Automotive Technology and Repair
Skilled Trades and Services
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Unit of Study
Center for Automotive Technology - Macomb
Provider Set:
Center for Advanced Automotive Technology
Grand Valley State University and Muskegon Community College
Date Added:
Moving Up To Aluminium: Light, Strong and Profitable
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In this brochure the European Aluminium Association (EAA) outlines the advantages of aluminum use in road transport. These advantages include environmental, revenue, energy, material composition, recycling, sustainability, and safety.

Automotive Technology and Repair
Skilled Trades and Services
Material Type:
Data Set
Center for Automotive Technology - Macomb
Provider Set:
Center for Advanced Automotive Technology
European Aluminium Association (EAA)
Date Added:
Policy: Twenty tips for interpreting scientific claims
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Calls for the closer integration of science in political decision-making have been commonplace for decades. However, there are serious problems in the application of science to policy "” from energy to health and environment to education. To address these problems this article suggests to improve policy-makers' understanding of the imperfect nature of science through the understanding of 20 key concepts. An understanding of these concepts promotes improving interpretive scientific skills which allow policy makers to intelligently interrogate experts and advisers, and to understand the quality, limitations and biases of evidence. These skills are more accessible than those required to understand the fundamental science itself, and can form part of the broad skill set of most politicians and other professions. These concepts should be part of the education of civil servants, politicians, policy advisers and journalists "” and anyone else who may have to interact with science or scientists. Although this article is geared towards politicians, it provides an outstanding summary of how to talk and inquire about science and technology issues for anyone involved in technology at pretty much any level.

Automotive Technology and Repair
Skilled Trades and Services
Material Type:
Center for Automotive Technology - Macomb
Provider Set:
Center for Advanced Automotive Technology
Nature Publishing Group
Date Added:
Preparing Technicians for Careers in Advanced Mobility: 2014 MACET Summer Conference
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This resource contains a PowerPoint presentation delivered by Doug Fertuck of the Center for Advanced Automotive Technology (CAAT) at the 2014 Michigan Association of Continuing Education and Training (MACET) Summer Conference on August 1, 2014. Discussed in the presentation is how the CAAT provides curricula in advanced automotive engineering technology for middle-skill technicians by working closely with industry to identify future education and training requirements, funding projects to develop new curricula demanded by industry, and housing and disseminating the latest curricula to schools.

Automotive Technology and Repair
Skilled Trades and Services
Material Type:
Lecture Notes
Lesson Plan
Center for Automotive Technology - Macomb
Provider Set:
Center for Advanced Automotive Technology
Center for Advanced Automotive Technology (CAAT)
Date Added:
Preparing Technicians for Careers in Advanced Mobility Webinar
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This resource contains a webinar presented by the Center for Advanced Automotive Technology (CAAT), on April 17, 2014. It discusses how the CAAT provides curricula in advanced automotive and engineering technology for middle-skill technicians.

Automotive Technology and Repair
Skilled Trades and Services
Material Type:
Lecture Notes
Center for Automotive Technology - Macomb
Provider Set:
Center for Advanced Automotive Technology
Center for Advanced Automotive Technology (CAAT)
Date Added:
Putting renewables and energy efficiency to work: How many jobs can the clean energy industry generate in the U.S.?
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In this study a green job creation model for 2030 is formed by analyzing 15 other studies on renewable energy, energy efficiency, carbon capture and storage, and nuclear power. Job data is normalized using average employment per unit energy of plant lifetime. Job losses for coal and natural gas are also considered. It is found non-fossil fuel technologies produce more jobs per energy unit than coal and natural gas. If correct measures are taken, over 4 million full time clean energy jobs may be created by 2030.

Automotive Technology and Repair
Skilled Trades and Services
Material Type:
Case Study
Data Set
Center for Automotive Technology - Macomb
Provider Set:
Center for Advanced Automotive Technology
University of California, Berkeley
Date Added:
The Road We're On (Grades 3-5)
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In this module released by General Motors Education, students (grades 3-5) learn about the science of electricity and its application to the auto industry. Included are three lesson plans (2-3 class periods each), worksheets, teacher's guide, and an interactive online digital magazine. Lesson plans include the following topics: (1) energy sources (renewable and non-renewable), energy technology, and measuring carbon footprints, (2) battery technology, simple circuits, and the potential impact of battery use in vehicles, and (3) innovation, the impact of innovations such as electric cars, and creating innovations.

Automotive Technology and Repair
Skilled Trades and Services
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Unit of Study
Center for Automotive Technology - Macomb
Provider Set:
Center for Advanced Automotive Technology
General Motors
Date Added:
The Road We're On (Grades 6-8)
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In this module released by General Motors Education students (grades 6-8) learn about the science of electricity and its application to the auto industry. Included are three lesson plans (2-3 class periods each), worksheets, teacher's guide, and an interactive online digital magazine. Lesson plans include the following topics: (1) energy sources (renewable and non-renewable), energy technology, and measuring carbon footprints, (2) battery chemistry, technology, and automotive applications, (3) innovation, the impact of innovations such as electric cars, and creating innovations.

Automotive Technology and Repair
Skilled Trades and Services
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Unit of Study
Center for Automotive Technology - Macomb
Provider Set:
Center for Advanced Automotive Technology
General Motors
Date Added:
STEM Curriculum for an Electrathon America Car
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This resource was developed by the Kent Career and Technical Center through seed funding from the CAAT and is a project-based curriculum that revolves around the construction of a working electric powered vehicle that will be entered into an Electrathon America race. This curriculum guides students through the design, build, and test process with their electric powered vehicle. Curriculum experiences include a combination of classroom, lab learning, on-site work experiences, and exposure to emerging green career pathways. The curriculum developed includes mathematics and science standards for Physics, P1-P4, with an emphasis on forces and motion, energy, and electricity for grades 9-12.

Automotive Technology and Repair
Skilled Trades and Services
Material Type:
Full Course
Lesson Plan
Center for Automotive Technology - Macomb
Provider Set:
Center for Advanced Automotive Technology
Kent Intermediate School District
Date Added:
Sensors and Actuators
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This module is part of the course "Intro to Mechatronics" at Lawrence Technological University and was developed through seed funding from theCAAT. This module consists of a PowerPoint presentation and accelerometer LabVIEW lab. Discussed in the Power Point are automotive sensors, actuators, and their use in powertrain (energy use, drivability and performance), body (occupant needs), and chassis (vehicle handling and safety). Some of the types of these sensors are rotational (crank or cam position), pressure (EVAP system or MAP), exhaust gas (oxygen sensor), and actuators (air bag inflators, relays, and injectors). Also included is a section on DC and AC motors operation and their automotive applications (traction motor, window motor, and seat motor). The lab will introduce students to developing data acquisition for sensors using National Instruments LabVIEW software. For instructors who would like solutions to the lab, pleasecontact theCAAT.

Automotive Technology and Repair
Skilled Trades and Services
Material Type:
Data Set
Lecture Notes
Unit of Study
Center for Automotive Technology - Macomb
Provider Set:
Center for Advanced Automotive Technology
Lawrence Technological University
Date Added:
Sustainable Energy - Without the Hot Air
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In his book, MacKay explores our population's addiction to fossil fuels and the problems faced with sustainability. Two issues faced with fossil fuels are they will eventually run out and they are harming our environment during use. McKay does not give one simple solution to the problem, but contrast various advanced technologies and how they may be applied to improve our environment and sustainability. More information may be found at http://www.withouthotair.com/.

Automotive Technology and Repair
Skilled Trades and Services
Material Type:
Center for Automotive Technology - Macomb
Provider Set:
Center for Advanced Automotive Technology
University of Cambridge
Date Added:
Will Electric Cars Transform the U.S. Vehicle Market? An Analysis of the Key Determinates
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In this discussion paper by colleagues at Harvard University, the future of a large U.S. electric vehicle market is examined based on key questions. To answer these questions, battery electric vehicles (BEVs), plug-in electric vehicles (PHEVs), and internal combustion engine vehicles (ICEVs) are compared with current and projected future lifecycle costs and various scenarios (change in gas/electricity cost, battery cost, customer discount rates, and vehicle efficiency). It is found that currently BEVs and PHEVs are $4000-$5000 more than ICEVs based on lifecycle cost, but in 10-20 years BEVs will be $1000-$7000 cheaper than ICEVs while PHEVs will possible remain more expensive than ICEVs unless battery cost drops significantly and gas prices rise. It is concluded that for the electric vehicle market to increase substantially in the next 10-20 years, gas prices will need to be $4.50 to $5.50 per gallon while battery technology and range increase. However, this can be accelerated with government assistance.

Automotive Technology and Repair
Skilled Trades and Services
Material Type:
Data Set
Center for Automotive Technology - Macomb
Provider Set:
Center for Advanced Automotive Technology
Harvard University
Date Added: