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  • Performing Arts
J-Setting: From Southern HBCUs to the Clubs of Atlanta | If Cities Could Dance
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0.0 stars

J-Sette dancers bring energy, precision and stunts to the floor, and the Dance Champz of Atlanta are trying to take this underground LGBTQ+ art form to the next level. The roots of J-Setting are in Mississippi, at Jackson State University, where the Prancing J-Settes adapted majorette dancing, losing the batons and bringing in African American and jazz dance influences. Leland Thorpe and his team are on a mission to get the underground version of the dance form taken more seriously in the wider dance world. Thorpe is passionate about bringing more formal technique to the dance, and with his experience in Detroit studying jazz and ballet, he brings a faster pace and more sophistication to the Atlanta style.

Arts and Humanities
Performing Arts
Material Type:
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Jitterbugs, Swing Kids, and Lindy Hoppers
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

This collection uses primary sources to explore the cultural impact of swing dancing. Digital Public Library of America Primary Source Sets are designed to help students develop their critical thinking skills and draw diverse material from libraries, archives, and museums across the United States. Each set includes an overview, ten to fifteen primary sources, links to related resources, and a teaching guide. These sets were created and reviewed by the teachers on the DPLA's Education Advisory Committee.

Arts and Humanities
Performing Arts
Material Type:
Primary Source
Digital Public Library of America
Provider Set:
Primary Source Sets
Date Added:
Listening for Styles and Genre
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Students brainstorm strategies to guide their listening as they describe and label music of different genres.

Arts and Humanities
Performing Arts
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Carnegie Hall's Weill Music Institute
Provider Set:
Carnegie Hall's Weill Music Institute - Music Educators Toolbox
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Literary Characters on Trial: Combining Persuasion and Literary Analysis
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Some Rights Reserved
0.0 stars

After reading a work of literature as a class, students will brainstorm "crimes" committed by characters from that text. Groups of students will work together to act as the prosecution or defense for the selected characters, while also acting as the jury for other groups. Students will use several sources to research for their case, including the novel and internet resources. All the while, students will be writing a persuasive piece to complement their trial work.

While this lesson uses Shakespeare's The Tempest, there are several other text options. Handouts (except for the model case handout) are generic so that they can be used with any text.

Arts and Humanities
Performing Arts
Material Type:
Unit of Study
Provider Set:
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The Masks We Wear | Social & Emotional Learning: The Arts for Every Classroom
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0.0 stars

This activity from the Commonwealth Theatre Center in Louisville, Kentucky uses drama to explore what emotions we like to share with the world and what emotions we tend to keep to ourselves, and why. Students explore the six core emotions and learn that they are all valid but we can work on how we deal with them.

Arts and Humanities
Performing Arts
Visual Arts
Visual Arts and Design
Material Type:
PBS LearningMedia
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Metropolis (1927) Restored
Unrestricted Use
Public Domain
0.0 stars

Metropolis (1927) is a German expressionist science-fiction drama film directed by Fritz Lang with screenplay by Thea von Harbou. It was adapted with Lang from von Harbou's novel (1925) also called Metropolis. It stars Gustav Fröhlich, Alfred Abel, Rudolf Klein-Rogge, and Brigitte Helm. Made in Germany during the Weimar period, Metropolis is set in a futuristic urban dystopia that is sharply divided between the working class and elite. Original Score by Gottfried Huppertz. Freder the son of the wealthy and powerful city master, Joh Fredersen, falls in love with Maria, a prophetic figure to the working class. The film length was cut back after its original German premiere, with restoration efforts finding footage recovered from Argentina and New Zealand to bring it close its original. The film has a fairy tale like plot of uniting the classes with an ending title reading "The Mediator Between the Head and the Hands Must Be the Heart." It is considered to be one of the best 100 films of all time. Visit this link to see a shortened version with the Music score composed by: Giorgio Moroder, Gottfried Huppertz, Thomas Köner, Ronnie Cramer.

Applied Science
Architecture and Design
Art History
Arts and Humanities
English Language Arts
Ethnic Studies
Film and Music Production
New Media and Technology
Performing Arts
Political Science
Reading Literature
Social Science
Visual Arts
Visual Arts and Design
Women's Studies
World Cultures
World History
Material Type:
Primary Source
Classic Films @classicfilms7058
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Mindfulness, Read & Seed Activity, The Gardens on Spring Creek
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Educational Use
0.0 stars

This Read & Seed lesson will focus on practicing mindfulness in a fun and nature centered way. We will read A Quiet Place by Douglas Wood and Dan Andreasen, and create our own mindfulness wands. Participate in a Movement/Music/Finger Play activity by practicing some garden yoga. This lesson is aimed at connecting young learners to their natural world and promote school readiness skills. This Read & Seed activity is presented by The Gardens on Spring Creek by the City of Fort Collins. https://youtu.be/MTczG8WcGXg

Agriculture and Natural Resources
Applied Science
Arts and Humanities
Early Childhood Development
English Language Arts
Environmental Science
Environmental Studies
Language, Grammar and Vocabulary
Performing Arts
Reading Foundation Skills
Reading Literature
Social Science
Speaking and Listening
Visual Arts
Visual Arts and Design
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
The City of Fort Collins
Provider Set:
The Gardens on Spring Creek: Read & Seed
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Mindfulness, Virtual Read & Seed Video, The Gardens on Spring Creek
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Educational Use
0.0 stars

This Read & Seed lesson will focus on practicing mindfulness in a fun and nature centered way. We will read A Quiet Place by Douglas Wood and Dan Andreasen, and create our own mindfulness wands. Participate in a Movement/Music/Finger Play activity by practicing some garden yoga. This lesson is aimed at connecting young learners to their natural world and promote school readiness skills. This Read & Seed activity is presented by The Gardens on Spring Creek by the City of Fort Collins. https://www.fcgov.com/gardens/files/read-seed-website-mindfulness-in-the-gardens.pdf?1589213978

Agriculture and Natural Resources
Applied Science
Arts and Humanities
Early Childhood Development
English Language Arts
Environmental Science
Environmental Studies
Language, Grammar and Vocabulary
Performing Arts
Reading Foundation Skills
Reading Literature
Social Science
Speaking and Listening
Visual Arts
Visual Arts and Design
Material Type:
The City of Fort Collins
Provider Set:
The Gardens on Spring Creek: Read & Seed
Date Added:
Music Appreciation: History, Culture, and Context
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

This text covers basic elements and vocabulary of music; appreciation and understanding of diverse styles of music past and present; developing listening skills. Includes opportunities for experiencing music (recorded and/or live).
I. Music Fundamentals
II. History of Western Music before 1600
III. History of Western Music after 1600
IV. Music of the 20th and 21st Centuries
V. Listening to Genres
VI. Music of Louisiana, the Americas, and the World

Arts and Humanities
Performing Arts
Material Type:
Affordable Learning LOUISiana
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Music: Its Language, History, and Culture
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Welcome to Music 1300, Music: Its Language History, and Culture. The course has a number of interrelated objectives:
1. To introduce you to works representative of a variety of music traditions.These include the repertoires of Western Europe from the Middle Agesthrough the present; of the United States, including art music, jazz, folk, rock, musical theater; and from at least two non-Western world areas (Africa, Asia, Latin America, the Caribbean, the Middle East, Indian subcontinent).
2. To enable you to speak and write about the features of the music you study,employing vocabulary and concepts of melody, rhythm, harmony, texture, timbre,and form used by musicians.
3. To explore with you the historic, social, and cultural contexts and the role of class, ethnicity, and gender in the creation and performance of music,including practices of improvisation and the implications of oral andnotated transmission.
4. To acquaint you with the sources of musical sounds—instruments and voices fromdifferent cultures, found sounds, electronically generated sounds; basic principlesthat determine pitch and timbre.
5. To examine the influence of technology, mass media, globalization, and transnationalcurrents on the music of today.
The chapters in this reader contain definitions and explanations of musical terms and concepts,short essays on subjects related to music as a creative performing art, biographical sketchesof major figures in music, and historical and cultural background information on music fromdifferent periods and places.

Arts and Humanities
Performing Arts
Material Type:
CUNY Academic Works
Provider Set:
Brooklyn College
Date Added:
The Music That Shaped America, Lesson 1: Mining and Union Songs in the Early 20th Century
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Educational Use
0.0 stars

In this lesson, created in partnership with the Association for Cultural Equity, students gain a deeper understanding of what life might have been like for a working class person during this period of American history by examining the songs and stories of Nimrod Workman. Born in 1895, Workman began working in the West Virginia coal mines at fourteen years old, and continued for 42 years. By analyzing Workman's songs and personal stories, which were recorded by Alan Lomax in 1983, students gain a first-hand account of one of the most dangerous, violent, and least regulated industries in American history, and discover the relationships between labor, industry, and the government from the 1890s to the end of World War II.

Arts and Humanities
Performing Arts
Material Type:
Full Course
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The Music That Shaped America, Lesson 2: The Banjo, Slavery, and the Abolition Debate
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In this lesson, created in partnership with the Association for Cultural Equity, students discover how the banjo and music making more generally among slaves contributed to debates on the ethics of slavery. They listen to slave narratives, examine statistics, and read primary sources to better understand how slavery was conceptualized and lived through in the 18th and 19th centuries. Throughout the lesson, students return to videos created by Alan Lomax of pre-blues banjo player Dink Roberts as a way to imagine what music among slaves in the United States may have sounded like.

Arts and Humanities
Performing Arts
Material Type:
Full Course
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The Music That Shaped America, Lesson 3: Singing Democracy During the Second Great Awakening
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Educational Use
0.0 stars

In this lesson, created in partnership with the Association for Cultural Equity, students discover the causes, characteristics, and lasting effects of the Second Great Awakening by examining the biographies of historical figures associated within the movement. They also consider how Sacred Harp Singing represents the ideals of the Second Great Awakening by watching Alan Lomax's ethnographic videos of a Sacred Harp performance.

Arts and Humanities
Performing Arts
Material Type:
Full Course
Date Added:
The Music That Shaped America, Lesson 4: Surviving the French and Indian War With Music:The Story of the Cajuns
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Educational Use
0.0 stars

In this lesson, created in partnership with the Association for Cultural Equity, students trace how the French and Indian War led to the Acadians' displacement and their resettlement in Louisiana by examining historical maps and reading excerpts from Henry Wadsworth Longfellow's poem Evangeline: A Tale of Acadie. In addition, students will examine historical documents and ethnographic film clips from the Alan Lomax Collection to consider how music and dance has been a way for the Acadian/Cajun community to preserve their cultural and genetic lineage, even in the most perilous of circumstances.

Arts and Humanities
Performing Arts
Material Type:
Full Course
Date Added: