Open Educational Resources Webinar Series by ISKME

Engage with Webinars to learn more about Open Educational Resources (OER) and the practice of Open Education (OE)

Open Educational Resources and You!

Scroll to find the Registration Form below the descriptions. 

Join OERColorado for an educational webinar series to learn more about Open Educational Resources (OER) and how you can use them in your organizational role. 

What Are Open Educational Resources (OER)? 

  • This webinar will explore the overarching idea of Open Educational Resources (OER) with a focus on supporting educators in recognizing the characteristics of OER and developing their skills to find OER.

Adapting Open Educational Resources (OER)

  • This webinar will support educators in adapting OER to meet the needs of diverse learners. Participants will use features of the OERColorado platform to remix a resource to create more inclusive resources.

Vetting and Adopting Open Educational Resources (OER)

  • This webinar will support educators in using quality indicators to vet OER textbooks and materials. Educators will also create a plan for long-term adoption of OER.

Open Educational Resources (OER) Leadership and Advocacy

  • This webinar will support educators in developing plans to lead and advocate for OER in their departments, schools, districts, and regions. Participants will determine how to best leverage OER tools and practices to continue to grow OER collaboratively throughout Colorado.

Each webinar is 90 minutes. 

This webinar series is in partnership with ISKME. The Institute for Shared Knowledge Management in Education (ISKME) provides the infrastructure for the OERColorado Microsite and Hub on OER Commons. They have long been invested in encouraging the use of openly-licensed educational resources (OER) and are a well known proponent of Open Education. 

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Webinar Recordings on OERColorado

Missed A Webinar and Want to Stay Caught Up?

The OER User & Maker Hub on OERColorado is a single stop for all things Professional Development related to learning about free, openly-licensed educational resources (OER) and the practice of Open Education (OE). Visit the hub to find the ISKME & OERColorado Webinar Recordings, and more video playlists about using OER, Becoming and OER Advocate, Making OER, and Joining the OER Club! Visit the OER User & Maker Hub. 

OER User & Maker Space