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  • Information Science
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

This webinar walks you through the basics of creating an OSF project, structuring it to fit your research needs, adding collaborators, and tying your favorite online tools into your project structure. OSF is a free, open source web application built by the Center for Open Science, a non-profit dedicated to improving the alignment between scientific values and scientific practices. OSF is part collaboration tool, part version control software, and part data archive. It is designed to connect to popular tools researchers already use, like Dropbox, Box, Github, and Mendeley, to streamline workflows and increase efficiency.

Computer Science
Computer, Networking and Telecommunications Systems
Information Science
Material Type:
Center for Open Science
Date Added:
OSF In The Lab: Organizing related projects  with Links, Forks, and Templates
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Files for this webinar are available at: https://osf.io/ewhvq/ This webinar focuses on how to use the Open Science Framework (OSF) to tie together and organize multiple projects. We look at example structures appropriate for organizing classroom projects, a line of research, or a whole lab's activity. We discuss the OSF's capabilities for using projects as templates, linking projects, and forking projects as well as some considerations for using each of those capabilities when designing a structure for your own project. The OSF is a free, open source web application built to help researchers manage their workflows. The OSF is part collaboration tool, part version control software, and part data archive. The OSF connects to popular tools researchers already use, like Dropbox, Box, Github and Mendeley, to streamline workflows and increase efficiency.

Computer Science
Computer, Networking and Telecommunications Systems
Information Science
Material Type:
Center for Open Science
Date Added:
OSF in the Classroom
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

This webinar will introduce how to use the Open Science Framework (OSF; https://osf.io) in a Classroom. The OSF is a free, open source web application built to help researchers manage their workflows. The OSF is part collaboration tool, part version control software, and part data archive. The OSF connects to popular tools researchers already use, like Dropbox, Box, Github and Mendeley, to streamline workflows and increase efficiency. This webinar will discuss how to introduce reproducible research practices to students, show ways of tracking student activity, and introduce the use of Templates and Forks on the OSF to allow students to easily make new class projects. The OSF is the flagship product of the Center for Open Science, a non-profit technology start-up dedicated to improving the alignment between scientific values and scientific practices. Learn more at cos.io and osf.io, or email contact@cos.io.

Computer Science
Computer, Networking and Telecommunications Systems
Information Science
Material Type:
Center for Open Science
Date Added:
Ocean Acidification: A Systems Approach to a Global Problem
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

In this curriculum module, students in high school life science, marine science, and/or chemistry courses act as interdisciplinary scientists and delegates to investigate how the changing carbon cycle will affect the oceans along with their integral populations.

The oceans cover 70 percent of the planet and play a critical role in regulating atmospheric carbon dioxide through the interaction of physical, chemical, and biological processes. As a result of anthropogenic activity, a doubling of the atmospheric CO2 concentration (to 760 ppm) is expected to occur by the end of this century. A quarter of the total CO2 emitted has already been absorbed by the surface oceans, changing the marine carbonate system, resulting in a decrease in pH, a change in carbonate-ion concentrations, and a change in the speciation of macro and micronutrients. The shift in the carbonate system is already drastically affecting biological processes in the oceans and is predicted to have major consequences on carbon export to the deep ocean with reverberating effects on atmospheric CO2. Put in simple terms, ocean acidification is a complex phenomenon with complex consequences. Understanding complexity and the impact of ocean acidification requires systems thinking – both in research and in education. Scientific advancement will help us better understand the problem and devise more effective solutions, but executing these solutions will require widespread public participation to mitigate this global problem.

Through these lessons, students closely model what is occurring in laboratories worldwide and at Institute for Systems Biology (ISB) through Monica Orellana’s research to analyze the effect CO2 has on ocean chemistry, ecosystems and human societies. Students experiment, analyze public data, and prepare for a mock summit to address concerns. Student groups represent key “interest groups” and design two experiments to observe the effects of CO2 on seawater pH, diatom growth, algal blooms, nutrient availability, and/or shell dissolution.

Agriculture and Natural Resources
Applied Science
Atmospheric Science
Computer, Networking and Telecommunications Systems
Earth and Space Science
Environmental Science
Environmental Studies
Information Science
Life Science
Maritime Science
Physical Science
Social Science
Material Type:
Aisha McKee
Alexis Boleda
Alexis Valauri-Orton
Allison Lee Cusick
Anna Farrell-Sherman
Baliga Lab
Barbara Steffens
Claudia Ludwig
Danny Thomson
Dexter Chapin
Dina Kovarik
Donald Cho
Eric Grewal
Eric Muhs
Helen Ippolito
Holly Kuestner
Institute for Systems Biology
Jeannine Sieler
Jennifer Duncan-Taylor
Jia Hao Xu
JoAnn Chrisman
Jocelyn Lee
Kedus Getaneh
Kevin Baker
Mari Knutson Herbert
Megan DeVault
Meredith Carlson
Michael Walker
Monica V. Orellana
Nitin S. Baliga
Olachi Oleru
Raisah Vestindottir
Steven Do
Systems Education Experiences
William Harvey
Zac Simon
Date Added:
Open Access for Library Schools (4-volume curriculum)
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0.0 stars

Four-volume curriculum about open access for library schools, from UNESCO:

Module 1: Introduction to Open Access
Contents: Scholarly Communication Process; Open Access: History and Developments; Rights and Licenses; Advocacy for Open Access; Open Access Research Impacts

Module 2: Open Access Infrastructure
Contents: Open Access Repositories; Open Journals; More about Open Approaches

Module 3: Resource Optimization
Contents: Open Access Mandates and Policies; Content Management in Open Access Context; Harvesting and Integration

Module 4: Interoperability and Retrieval
Contents: Resource Description for OA Resources; Interoperability Issues for Open Access; Retrieval of Information for OA Resources

Career and Technical Education
Computer, Networking and Telecommunications Systems
English Language Arts
Information Science
Material Type:
Full Course
Anup Kumar Das
Barnali Roy Choudhury
Ina Smith
Parthasarathi Mukhopadhyay
Uma Kanjilal
Date Added:
Open Access for Researchers (5-volume curriculum)
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0.0 stars

Five-volume curriculum about open access for researchers, from UNESCO:

Module 1: Scholarly Communication
Contents: Introduction to Scholarly Communication; Communicating with Peer Review Journals; Electronic Journals and Databases; Serials Crisis

Module 2: Concepts of Openness and Open Access
Contents: Introduction to Open Access; Routes to Open Access; Networks and Organizations Promotion Open Access; Open Access Mandates and Policies; Open Access Issues and Challenges

Module 3: Intellectual Property Rights
Contents: Understanding Intellectual Property Rights; Copyright; Alternative to a Strict Copyright Regime

Module 4: Research Evaluation Metrics
Contents: Introduction to Research Evaluation Metrics and Related Indicators; Innovations in Measuring Science and Scholarship; Article and Author Level Measurements; Online Citation and Reference Management Tools

Module 5: Sharing Your Work in Open Access
Contents: The Publishing Process; Share Research Results in Open Access

Career and Technical Education
Computer, Networking and Telecommunications Systems
English Language Arts
Information Science
Material Type:
Full Course
Anup Kumar Das
Devika P. Madalli
Nehaa Chaudhari
Sanjaya Mishra
Varun Baliga
Date Added:
Open Educational Resources
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Open Educational Resources are teaching, learning and research materials in any medium – digital or otherwise – that reside in the public domain or have been released under an open license that permits no-cost access, use, adaptation and redistribution by others with no or limited restrictions.

Computer, Networking and Telecommunications Systems
Information Science
Material Type:
How Can Technology Advance Open Educational Resources
Oer Technology Infrastructure Assessment
Years Of Oer What Funders Can Learn A Historical Moment
Date Added:
Open Metadata Handbook
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0.0 stars

This book is intended to give the non-expert an overview of standards and best practises related to publishing metadata about works. Its primary focus is metadata from cultural heritage institutions - i.e. GLAM institutions (galleries, libraries, archives and museums).

The book was started to help us get to grips with diverse collections of metadata which we were interested in using to figure out which works have entered the public domain in which different countries. At the OKF, we have been working on the developement of automated calculation to determine the public domain status of a work (see http://publicdomain.okfn.org/calculators), and we soon realized that we often do not have the necessary metadata to accurately determine whether or not a work is in the public domain. We have obtained data from different sources, e.g. BBC, British National Library, but we need to combine this data in meaningful ways in order to achieve a more comprehensive set of metadata. This required us to engage in the process of vocabulary alignment, removing duplicate entries, understanding whether similar fields actually mean the same thing, and figuring out whether different data models are compatible with each others.

Career and Technical Education
Computer, Networking and Telecommunications Systems
Information Science
Material Type:
Public Domain Working Group and the Open Bibliographic Data Working Group of the Open Knowledge Foundation
Public Domain Working Group & Open Knowledge Foundation
Date Added:
Open Science in Latin America
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Note: This webinar was presented in Spanish. The slides presented during this webinar can be found here:https://osf.io/6qnse/ The slides presented during this seminar can be found here: https://osf.io/6qnse/ Este seminario web se centrará en el estado de la ciencia abierta en América Latina, desde los esfuerzos de los investigadores individuales para abrir sus flujos de trabajo, herramientas para ayudar a los investigadores a ser abiertos y nuevas redes e iniciativas prometedoras en ciencia abierta. Ricardo Hartley (@ametodico) es profesor de metodología de la investigación de la Universidad Central de Chile, investigador en biología de la reproducción y en comunicación - valoración del conocimiento. Organizador de las OpenCon Santiago 2016 y 2017 y embajador COS. Erin McKiernan es profesora del Departamento de Física, Programa de Física Biomédica de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. También es la fundadora del Why Open Research? proyecto, un sitio educativo para que los investigadores aprendan cómo compartir su trabajo, financiado en parte por la Fundación Shuttleworth. Fernan Federici Noe es profesor asistente e investigador de la Universidad Católica de Chile y fellow internacional del OpenPlant Synthetic Biology Center, University of Cambridge. Fernan es miembro del Global For Open Science Hardware (GOSH) y TECNOx (www.tecnox.org).

Computer Science
Computer, Networking and Telecommunications Systems
Information Science
Material Type:
Center for Open Science
Date Added:
Open Web Mapping
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Everyone can make a web map now, but what are the best tools to do so? Maybe you have already created web maps with ArcGIS or Google Maps but never taken time to have a closer look at open source software alternatives such as QGIS, GeoServer and Leaflet? Or, are you new to web mapping and looking for the best way to create a web application for spatial data from your job or hobby? If so, GEOG 585, Open Web Mapping, is the right course for you. Learn about FOSS vs. proprietary GIS software, open data and standards for web mapping, and how to create beautiful and interactive web maps with Javascript and Leaflet.

Computer Science
Computer, Networking and Telecommunications Systems
Information Science
Material Type:
Full Course
Penn State's College of Earth and Mineral Sciences
Date Added:
Open education, copyright and open licensing in a digital world (LiDA103)
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0.0 stars

This is a short micro-course that will introduce students to open education, copyright, and open licensing. It is helpful because it contains reading and practice assignments that guide students through copyright. There are optional pre-tests where you can test what you already know about the subject before engaging with the material as well. Throughout the modules, quizzes not only help to keep you engaged, but show you whether you are learning the material.
You are required to create a free account to access the course materials.
It is important to note that this is not strictly based on United States copyright law, but it does provide a good overview of general copyright rules.

Computer, Networking and Telecommunications Systems
Information Science
Material Type:
Unit of Study
International Council for Open and Distance Education
OER Dynamic Coalition Initiative
Date Added:
Open for Health: How Open Access Can Create a More Equitable World
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

This resource is intended as a module for graduate students in health sciences fields such as medicine, nursing, and public health, and librarians who work in these and related fields. The assignment will briefly review the literature on the three main themes (open access, social justice, and health equity) to provide background on the topic. Following this overview, students will break into groups, and each group will be given a topic with questions to spark discussion on the subject. Questions such as "Historically, how has access to health information created benefits or barriers to users?" or "When thinking about medical research, what stakeholders are concerned about open access and why?" Each group will select a notetaker to keep track of the responses, and time will be given in class to report out and have a wider discussion with each other. The materials provided include an optional pre-reading assignment, slide deck, lesson plan, and a sample comprehension check.

These resources are also available at https://scholarworks.iupui.edu/handle/1805/26714

Applied Science
Computer, Networking and Telecommunications Systems
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Information Science
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Caitlin Pike
Date Added:
Openscapes Champions Lesson Series
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

This lesson series is for the Openscapes Champions program, an open data science mentorship program for science teams.

Openscapes Champions is a professional development and leadership opportunity for teams to reimagine data analysis & stewardship as a collaborative effort, develop modern skills that are of immediate value to them, and cultivate collaborative and inclusive research communities. Cohorts are ~7 research teams (~35 total participants including team leads and members) that convene remotely to explore open data science tooling and practices together. This is a remote-by-design program since its launch in 2019.

The Series is written (and always improving) to be used as a reference, to teach, or as self-paced learning.

Openscapes is co-directed by Julia Stewart Lowndes and Erin Robinson. It is operated by the National Center for Ecological Analysis & Synthesis (NCEAS) and was incubated by a Mozilla Fellowship awarded to Lowndes in 2018.

Agriculture and Natural Resources
Computer, Networking and Telecommunications Systems
Environmental Studies
Information Science
Material Type:
Lecture Notes
Primary Source
Erin Robinson
Julia Stewart Lowndes
Openscapes Team
Date Added:
Optimizing Research Collaboration
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

In this webinar, we demonstrate the OSF tools available for contributors, labs, centers, and institutions that support stronger collaborations. The demo includes useful practices like: contributor management, the OSF wiki as an electronic lab notebook, using OSF to manage online courses and syllabi, and more. Finally, we look at how OSF Institutions can provide discovery and intelligence gathering infrastructure so that you can focus on conducting and supporting exceptional research. The Center for Open Science’s ongoing mission is to provide community and technical resources to support your commitments to rigorous, transparent research practices. Visit cos.io/institutions to learn more.

Computer Science
Computer, Networking and Telecommunications Systems
Information Science
Material Type:
Center for Open Science
Date Added:
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

This is a unit plan for project-based learning. Students will learn about paleoclimate proxies and their importance in understanding past climates. Students will focus on one region-specific aspect of paleoclimate and research it. The final outcome will be a public product of relevance to the student, school and community.

(Note: this resource was added to OER Commons as part of a batch upload of over 2,200 records. If you notice an issue with the quality of the metadata, please let us know by using the 'report' button and we will flag it for consideration.)

Applied Science
Computer, Networking and Telecommunications Systems
Earth and Space Science
Environmental Science
Information Science
Life Science
Measurement and Data
Material Type:
Science Education Resource Center (SERC) at Carleton College
Provider Set:
Teach the Earth
Date Added:
Peer Review of Multimedia Web Sites Authored by Student Teams
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Students are asked, as individuals in a team, to critically review the draft of a multimedia web site authored by another team in my course. Student must follow a template with 5 review criteria, and submit their review to each member of the web site author team and to me.

Please see the handout below for instructions I give to students for this activity.

Agriculture and Natural Resources
Computer, Networking and Telecommunications Systems
English Language Arts
Environmental Studies
Information Science
Material Type:
Science Education Resource Center (SERC) at Carleton College
Provider Set:
Teach the Earth
Date Added:
Piensa Como un Detective: Actividad de Código Secreto, Americorp Bolsa de STEM
Read the Fine Print
Educational Use
0.0 stars

Utilice un código para codificar y decodificar mensajes secretos. Agentes de Colorado Americorp en los condados de Araphahoe, Denver, Garfield, Larimer y Weld. Trabajo apoyado por la Corporación para el Servicio Nacional y Comunitario bajo el número de subvención 18AFHCO0010008 de Americorps. Las opiniones o puntos de vista expresados en esta lección pertenecen a los autores y no representan necesariamente la posición oficial o una posición respaldada por la Corporación o el programa Americorps.

Applied Science
Computer, Networking and Telecommunications Systems
Information Science
Numbers and Operations
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Provider Set:
STEM in a bag weekly activity
Date Added:
Plotting and Programming in Python
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

This lesson is part of Software Carpentry workshops and teach an introduction to plotting and programming using python. This lesson is an introduction to programming in Python for people with little or no previous programming experience. It uses plotting as its motivating example, and is designed to be used in both Data Carpentry and Software Carpentry workshops. This lesson references JupyterLab, but can be taught using a regular Python interpreter as well. Please note that this lesson uses Python 3 rather than Python 2.

Computer Science
Computer, Networking and Telecommunications Systems
Information Science
Measurement and Data
Material Type:
The Carpentries
Date Added: