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  • Computer Science
OSF In The Lab: Organizing related projects  with Links, Forks, and Templates
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Files for this webinar are available at: https://osf.io/ewhvq/ This webinar focuses on how to use the Open Science Framework (OSF) to tie together and organize multiple projects. We look at example structures appropriate for organizing classroom projects, a line of research, or a whole lab's activity. We discuss the OSF's capabilities for using projects as templates, linking projects, and forking projects as well as some considerations for using each of those capabilities when designing a structure for your own project. The OSF is a free, open source web application built to help researchers manage their workflows. The OSF is part collaboration tool, part version control software, and part data archive. The OSF connects to popular tools researchers already use, like Dropbox, Box, Github and Mendeley, to streamline workflows and increase efficiency.

Computer Science
Computer, Networking and Telecommunications Systems
Information Science
Material Type:
Center for Open Science
Date Added:
OSF in the Classroom
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

This webinar will introduce how to use the Open Science Framework (OSF; https://osf.io) in a Classroom. The OSF is a free, open source web application built to help researchers manage their workflows. The OSF is part collaboration tool, part version control software, and part data archive. The OSF connects to popular tools researchers already use, like Dropbox, Box, Github and Mendeley, to streamline workflows and increase efficiency. This webinar will discuss how to introduce reproducible research practices to students, show ways of tracking student activity, and introduce the use of Templates and Forks on the OSF to allow students to easily make new class projects. The OSF is the flagship product of the Center for Open Science, a non-profit technology start-up dedicated to improving the alignment between scientific values and scientific practices. Learn more at cos.io and osf.io, or email contact@cos.io.

Computer Science
Computer, Networking and Telecommunications Systems
Information Science
Material Type:
Center for Open Science
Date Added:
Object-Oriented Reengineering Patterns
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0.0 stars

The documentation is missing or obsolete, and the original developers have departed. Your team has limited understanding of the system, and unit tests are missing for many, if not all, of the components. When you fix a bug in one place, another bug pops up somewhere else in the system. Long rebuild times make any change difficult. All of these are signs of software that is close to the breaking point.

Many systems can be upgraded or simply thrown away if they no longer serve their purpose. Legacy software, however, is crucial for operations and needs to be continually available and upgraded. How can you reduce the complexity of a legacy system sufficiently so that it can continue to be used and adapted at acceptable cost?

Based on the authors' industrial experiences, this book is a guide on how to reverse engineer legacy systems to understand their problems, and then reengineer those systems to meet new demands. Patterns are used to clarify and explain the process of understanding large code bases, hence transforming them to meet new requirements. The key insight is that the right design and organization of your system is not something that can be evident from the initial requirements alone, but rather as a consequence of understanding how these requirements evolve.

Computer Science
Computer, Networking and Telecommunications Systems
Material Type:
Date Added:
Open Data Structures
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

The goal of this project is to free undergraduate computer science students from having to pay for an introductory data structures book. I have decided to implement this goal by treating this book like an Open Source software project. The LATEX source, Java source, and build scripts for the book are available to download from the author’s website and also, more importantly, on a reliable source code management site.

Computer Science
Computer, Networking and Telecommunications Systems
Material Type:
Provider Set:
BCcampus Open Textbooks
Date Added:
Open Educational Resource (OER) presentations for a course on Operating Systems
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0.0 stars

This page collects OER presentations (responsive HTML slides with embedded audio, also PDF versions) for a course on Operating Systems (following the book Operating Systems and Middleware: Supporting Controlled Interaction by Max Hailperin). Presentations can be viewed with modern browsers on any device (including mobile), also offline after download. Source files, necessary software, and presentations are published in this GitLab repository under free licenses.

Computer Science
Computer, Networking and Telecommunications Systems
Material Type:
Full Course
Jens Lechtenbörger
Date Added:
Open Logic Project
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0.0 stars

The Open Logic Text is an open textbook on mathematical logic aimed at a non-mathematical audience, intended for advanced logic courses as taught in many philosophy departments. It is open-source: you can download the LaTeX code. It is open: you’re free to change it whichever way you like, and share your changes. It is collaborative: a team of people is working on it, using the GitHub platform, and we welcome contributions and feedback. And it is written with configurability in mind.

Arts and Humanities
Computer Science
Computer, Networking and Telecommunications Systems
Material Type:
Date Added:
Open Science in Latin America
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Note: This webinar was presented in Spanish. The slides presented during this webinar can be found here:https://osf.io/6qnse/ The slides presented during this seminar can be found here: https://osf.io/6qnse/ Este seminario web se centrará en el estado de la ciencia abierta en América Latina, desde los esfuerzos de los investigadores individuales para abrir sus flujos de trabajo, herramientas para ayudar a los investigadores a ser abiertos y nuevas redes e iniciativas prometedoras en ciencia abierta. Ricardo Hartley (@ametodico) es profesor de metodología de la investigación de la Universidad Central de Chile, investigador en biología de la reproducción y en comunicación - valoración del conocimiento. Organizador de las OpenCon Santiago 2016 y 2017 y embajador COS. Erin McKiernan es profesora del Departamento de Física, Programa de Física Biomédica de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. También es la fundadora del Why Open Research? proyecto, un sitio educativo para que los investigadores aprendan cómo compartir su trabajo, financiado en parte por la Fundación Shuttleworth. Fernan Federici Noe es profesor asistente e investigador de la Universidad Católica de Chile y fellow internacional del OpenPlant Synthetic Biology Center, University of Cambridge. Fernan es miembro del Global For Open Science Hardware (GOSH) y TECNOx (www.tecnox.org).

Computer Science
Computer, Networking and Telecommunications Systems
Information Science
Material Type:
Center for Open Science
Date Added:
Open Signals and Systems Laboratory Exercises
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Open Signals and Systems Laboratory Exercises is a collection of lab assignments that have been used in EE 224: Signals and Systems I in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Iowa State University. These lab exercises have been curated, edited, and presented in a consistent format to improve student learning.

Computer Science
Computer, Networking and Telecommunications Systems
Material Type:
Iowa State University
Date Added:
Open Web Mapping
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0.0 stars

Everyone can make a web map now, but what are the best tools to do so? Maybe you have already created web maps with ArcGIS or Google Maps but never taken time to have a closer look at open source software alternatives such as QGIS, GeoServer and Leaflet? Or, are you new to web mapping and looking for the best way to create a web application for spatial data from your job or hobby? If so, GEOG 585, Open Web Mapping, is the right course for you. Learn about FOSS vs. proprietary GIS software, open data and standards for web mapping, and how to create beautiful and interactive web maps with Javascript and Leaflet.

Computer Science
Computer, Networking and Telecommunications Systems
Information Science
Material Type:
Full Course
Penn State's College of Earth and Mineral Sciences
Date Added:
Operating Systems and Middleware: Supporting Controlled Interaction
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0.0 stars

In this book, you will learn about all three kinds of interaction. In all three cases, interesting software techniques are needed in order to bring the computations into contact, yet keep them sufifciently at arm’s length that they don’t compromise each other’s reliability. The exciting challenge, then, is supporting controlled interaction. This includes support for computations that share a single computer and interact with one another, as your email and word processing programs do. It also includes support for data storage and network communication. This book describes how all these kinds of support are provided both by operating systems and by additional software layered on top of operating systems, which is known as middleware.

Computer Science
Computer, Networking and Telecommunications Systems
Material Type:
Gustavus Adolphus College
Date Added:
Optimizing Research Collaboration
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

In this webinar, we demonstrate the OSF tools available for contributors, labs, centers, and institutions that support stronger collaborations. The demo includes useful practices like: contributor management, the OSF wiki as an electronic lab notebook, using OSF to manage online courses and syllabi, and more. Finally, we look at how OSF Institutions can provide discovery and intelligence gathering infrastructure so that you can focus on conducting and supporting exceptional research. The Center for Open Science’s ongoing mission is to provide community and technical resources to support your commitments to rigorous, transparent research practices. Visit cos.io/institutions to learn more.

Computer Science
Computer, Networking and Telecommunications Systems
Information Science
Material Type:
Center for Open Science
Date Added: