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  • Computer Science
Dive into Systems
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0.0 stars

Dive into Systems is a free, online textbook that serves as a gentle introduction to computer systems, computer organization, and parallel computing. The book is intended for an audience that has only a CS1 background. It guides readers through a vertical slice of a computer to develop an understanding of a variety of systems topics, including:

- how a computer runs a program, from a program expressed in a high-level language to low-level binary representation and circuits

- programming in C and Assembly, assuming a CS1 background

- introduction to operating systems and the systems costs that affect program performance (the memory hierarchy, caching, and code optimization)

- introduction to parallel computing with shared memory and pthreads

Dive into Systems is designed to be present topics in as independent manner as possible so that it can be used as a primary textbook for a wide range of introductory-level computer systems courses, or as a supplemental background textbook for upper-level courses that cover Operating Systems, Computer Architecture, Compilers, Networks, Databases, and Parallel Computing.

Computer Science
Computer, Networking and Telecommunications Systems
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E- Content Development.pptx
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

E-Content is very important in the present scenario.
It will be helpful to the teachers and students for a better understanding of the subject matter.
Every teacher must use e-content package for their subject matter in order to provide multi media experiences to the learner

E-content is the package of data in electronic digital format.
It is a form of knowledge or content which is packed in an electronic form.
It includes text, video, audio, graphics, animation etc.,
An innovative application of computer in the field of the teaching learning process is called e-content.
It is the advancement of technology to design, deliver, administer, select and extend learning.

Computer Science
Computer, Networking and Telecommunications Systems
Material Type:
Lecture Notes
Date Added:
ESIP Data Management Training (DMT) Clearinghouse
Read the Fine Print
Some Rights Reserved
0.0 stars

The DMT Clearinghouse is a registry for online learning resources about research data management. Initial seed funding was provided by the U.S. Geological Survey's Community for Data Integration. Subsequent funding has been granted by an Institute of Museum and Library Services National Leadership Grant (LG-70-18-0092-18). Developed in collaboration with the Earth Sciences Information Partnership (ESIP) Federation, and DataONE, with subsequent support from the University of New Mexico Libraries Research Data Services, the DMT Clearinghouse is available for searching, browsing, and submitting information about learning resources on data management topics. DMT Clearinghouse FeaturesThe Search Interface allows users to find learning resources by entering terms, names of people and organizations, dates, and keywords. The Browse Interface allows users to view the entire list of learning resources, and to filter by educational framework. An educational framework is a plan or set of steps that defines or collects the content using clear, definable standards about what the student should know and understand. For purposes of the DMT Clearinghouse, a given learning resource may be associated with a community-defined standard for data management, for example:USGS Science Support FrameworkDataONE Data Life CycleESIP Data Management Short Course for Scientists The Digital Preservation NetworkInternational Council for Science (ICSU) World Data System (WDS) Training Resource GuideFAIR Data Principles The Submission Form allows users to enter information about learning resources that they would like to see included in the DMT Clearinghouse. A user log in is not required to submit a resource with key, required information. To add more information about a learning resource than just that required, please log in or create an account (click "Log In at the upper right side of the screen.) NOTE: Submissions will be published to the DMT Clearinghouse following an editorial review to ensure the resource meets quality and selection criteria for inclusion.. You may be contacted for more information about your submission, if needed. Your contact information will not be made available publicly without your permission. For questions or feedback, please contact clearinghouseEd@esipfed.org.

Computer Science
Computer, Networking and Telecommunications Systems
Information Science
Statistics and Probability
Material Type:
Full Course
Date Added:
Economics Lesson with Stata
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

A Data Carpentry curriculum for Economics is being developed by Dr. Miklos Koren at Central European University. These materials are being piloted locally. Development for these lessons has been supported by a grant from the Sloan Foundation.

Computer Science
Computer, Networking and Telecommunications Systems
Information Science
Measurement and Data
Social Science
Material Type:
The Carpentries
Date Added:
Eduardo Torres-Jara
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0.0 stars

In this video from Science City, meet Eduardo Torres-Jara, a postdoctoral associate in electrical engineering and computer science at the MIT Artificial Intelligence Lab. He describes his work on innovative robots that use tactile feedback to locate and grasp objects.

Applied Science
Computer Science
Computer, Networking and Telecommunications Systems
Material Type:
PBS LearningMedia
Provider Set:
PBS Learning Media: Multimedia Resources for the Classroom and Professional Development
Date Added:
Educational App Development Toolkit for Teachers and Learners
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0.0 stars

The Educational App Development Toolkit for Teachers and Learners is designed to introduce the basic and some intermediate concepts of Android app development on the App Inventor (AI2) platform. It provides hands-on activities and tutorials to use the Designer and Blocks Editor components of App Inventor to create apps that can be readily downloaded and used on any Android smartphone or tablet. Furthermore, the hands-on sessions will guide you on how to use features such as text-to-speech, accelerometer, speech recognition, drawing, video, games and music playback. The Toolkit also provides guidelines on how to package and distribute your app. For teachers a training plan is also provided that can be used to provide training to students in an instructor-led environment.

Computer Science
Computer, Networking and Telecommunications Systems
Material Type:
Commonwealth of Learning
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Educational Software
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0.0 stars

MAIN AIMS OF THE MODULE: To achieve an understanding and practical experience of key principles, methods and theories in the area of educational software.
LEARNING OUTCOMES FOR THE MODULE: The module provides opportunities for students to develop and demonstrate knowledge and understanding, qualities, skills and other attributes in the following areas:
1) Obtain understand of major learning principles, theories, and approaches
2. Identify key factors of successful educational software design and deployment.
3) Apply theories, principles, and approached into an appropriate design of educational software system.
4) Establish an appreciation of state-of-art developments in the area of educational software design.
MAIN TOPICS OF STUDY: The main topics of study considered in light of the above learning outcomes are: ‰ Educational Principles Design of educational software such as electronic instruction manuals, serious gaming, VR training, drills, and tutor agents and tutorials ‰Educational software for specific learners such as children, elderly, mentally or physically challenged individuals ‰CEvaluation of education software.

Computer Science
Computer, Networking and Telecommunications Systems
Material Type:
Lecture Notes
Lesson Plan
Delft University of Technology
Provider Set:
Delft University OpenCourseWare
Date Added:
El Control de Versiones con Git
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Software Carpentry lección para control de versiones con Git Para ilustrar el poder de Git y GitHub, usaremos la siguiente historia como un ejemplo motivador a través de esta lección. El Hombre Lobo y Drácula han sido contratados por Universal Missions para investigar si es posible enviar su próximo explorador planetario a Marte. Ellos quieren poder trabajar al mismo tiempo en los planes, pero ya han experimentado ciertos problemas anteriormente al hacer algo similar. Si se rotan por turnos entonces cada uno gastará mucho tiempo esperando a que el otro termine, pero si trabajan en sus propias copias e intercambian los cambios por email, las cosas se perderán, se sobreescribirán o se duplicarán. Un colega sugiere utilizar control de versiones para lidiar con el trabajo. El control de versiones es mejor que el intercambio de ficheros por email: Nada se pierde una vez que se incluye bajo control de versiones, a no ser que se haga un esfuerzo sustancial. Como se van guardando todas las versiones precedentes de los ficheros, siempre es posible volver atrás en el tiempo y ver exactamente quién escribió qué en un día en particular, o qué versión de un programa fue utilizada para generar un conjunto de resultados en particular. Como se tienen estos registros de quién hizo qué y en qué momento, es posible saber a quién preguntar si se tiene una pregunta en un momento posterior y, si es necesario, revertir el contenido a una versión anterior, de forma similar a como funciona el comando “deshacer” de los editores de texto. Cuando varias personas colaboran en el mismo proyecto, es posible pasar por alto o sobreescribir de manera accidental los cambios hechos por otra persona. El sistema de control de versiones notifica automáticamente a los usuarios cada vez que hay un conflicto entre el trabajo de una persona y la otra. Los equipos no son los únicos que se benefician del control de versiones: los investigadores independientes se pueden beneficiar en gran medida. Mantener un registro de qué ha cambiado, cuándo y por qué es extremadamente útil para todos los investigadores si alguna vez necesitan retomar el proyecto en un momento posterior (e.g. un año después, cuando se ha desvanecido el recuerdo de los detalles).

Computer Science
Computer, Networking and Telecommunications Systems
Information Science
Measurement and Data
Material Type:
The Carpentries
Date Added:
Electrostatic telegraphs (case study)
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0.0 stars

Long before the internet people thought about sending information along wires using static electricity. Created by Brit Cruise.

Applied Science
Computer Science
Computer, Networking and Telecommunications Systems
Material Type:
Khan Academy
Provider Set:
Date Added:
Elementary Data Structures
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

In this course, the student will learn the theoretical and practical aspects of algorithms and Data Structures. The student will also learn to implement Data Structures and algorithms in C/C++, analyze those algorithms, and consider both their worst-case complexity and practical efficiency. Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to: Identify elementary Data Structures using C/C++ programming languages; Analyze the importance and use of Abstract Data Types (ADTs); Design and implement elementary Data Structures such as arrays, trees, Stacks, Queues, and Hash Tables; Explain best, average, and worst-cases of an algorithm using Big-O notation; Describe the differences between the use of sequential and binary search algorithms. (Computer Science 201)

Computer Science
Computer, Networking and Telecommunications Systems
Material Type:
Full Course
The Saylor Foundation
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Eloquent JavaScript: A Modern Introduction to Programming
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0.0 stars

This book contains roughly three parts. The first 11 chapters discussthe JavaScript language itself. The next eight chapters are about webbrowsers and the way JavaScript is used to program them. Finally,two chapters are devoted to Node.js, another environment to programJavaScript in.Throughout the book, there are five project chapters, which describelarger example programs to give you a taste of real programming. Inorder of appearance, we will work through building an artificial life simulation,a programming language, a platform game, a paint program,and a dynamic website.

Computer Science
Computer, Networking and Telecommunications Systems
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Encryption and public keys
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0.0 stars

Mia Epner, who works on security for a US national intelligence agency, explains how cryptography allows for the secure transfer of data online. This video explains 256-bit encryption, public and private keys, SSL & TLS and HTTPS.

Applied Science
Computer Science
Computer, Networking and Telecommunications Systems
Material Type:
Khan Academy
Provider Set:
Date Added:
EndNote/PRISMA: EndNote for Systematic Reviews
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0.0 stars

Based on James Cook University Library's Endnote and PRISMA video (CC BY-SA licence), this learning object is a brief video, a document with the codes and formulas, and a downloadable EndNote library with the PRISMA groups set-up

Applied Science
Computer Science
Computer, Networking and Telecommunications Systems
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Information Science
Material Type:
Date Added: