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  • Statistics and Probability
Estimating Discharge from Ares Vallis Using Pathfinder Images and MOLA Topography
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On July 4th, 1997, Mars Pathfinder landed at the mouth of Ares Vallis, a large channel that drains into the Chryse Planitia basin. While there remains a great deal to debate about the origin of the channels, one of the leading hypotheses at present is the idea that these features are the result of catastrophic flooding. If this is correct, then the plains where Pathfinder landed may be rich in debris eroded out of the Martian highlands across which the Ares Vallis channel passes, providing a golden combination -- a relatively safe landing site which still provides access to a wide variety of different rock types. [If you would like to learn more about the many Pathfinder results, explore the April, 1999 and January, 2000 issues of the journal Journal of Geophysical Research -- Planets (the green one) in the library.]

For the sake of this lab assignment you will hypothesize that the Ares Vallis and associated deposits were indeed produced by catastrophic flooding, and will use the information at your disposal to learn all you can about the putative flooding event.

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Earth and Space Science
Life Science
Measurement and Data
Statistics and Probability
Material Type:
Science Education Resource Center (SERC) at Carleton College
Provider Set:
Teach the Earth
Date Added:
Estimating Exchange Rates of Water in Embayments using Simple Budget Equations.
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Simple budgets may be used to estimate the exchange of water in embayments that capitalize on the concept of steady state and conservation principals. This is especially true for bays that experience a significant exchange of freshwater. This exchange of freshwater may reduce the average salt concentration in the bay compared to seawater if it involves addition of freshwater from rivers, R, and/or precipitation, P. Alternatively, it may increase the average salt concentration in the bay compared to seawater if there is relatively little river input and high evaporation, E. Since freshwater input changes the salt concentration in the bay, and salt is a conservative material, it is possible to combine two steady state budgets for a bay, one for salt and one for water, to solve for the magnitude of the water flows that enter and exit the bay mouth.
Students will make actual calculations for the inflow and outflow of water to Puget Sound, Washington and the Mediterranean Sea and compare them to actual measured values.

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Life Science
Measurement and Data
Physical Science
Statistics and Probability
Material Type:
Science Education Resource Center (SERC) at Carleton College
Provider Set:
Teach the Earth
Date Added:
Estimating OUR Carbon Footprint
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0.0 stars

Description here.

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Applied Science
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Life Science
Measurement and Data
Statistics and Probability
Material Type:
Science Education Resource Center (SERC) at Carleton College
Provider Set:
Teach the Earth
Ben Galluzzo
Jean McGivney-Burelle
Rikki Wagstrom
Date Added:
Estimating the Mean State Area
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

The task is designed to show that random samples produce distributions of sample means that center at the population mean, and that the variation in the sample means will decrease noticeably as the sample size increases. Random sampling (like mixing names in a hat and drawing out a sample) is not a new idea to most students, although the terminology is likely to be new.

Statistics and Probability
Material Type:
Illustrative Mathematics
Provider Set:
Illustrative Mathematics
Illustrative Mathematics
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0.0 stars

Learning Objectives: 1).Determine point estimates in simple cases, and make the connection between the sampling distribution of a statistic, and its properties as a point estimator.
2). Explain what a confidence interval represents and determine how changes in sample size and confidence level affect the precision of the confidence interval.
3). Find confidence intervals for the population mean and the population proportion (when certain conditions are met), and perform sample size calculations.

Statistics and Probability
Material Type:
Carnegie Mellon University
Provider Set:
Open Learning Initiative
Date Added:
Evaluating Statements About Probability
Only Sharing Permitted
0.0 stars

This lesson unit addresses common misconceptions relating to probability of simple and compound events. The lesson will help you assess how well students understand concepts of: Equally likely events; randomness; and sample sizes.

Statistics and Probability
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Shell Center for Mathematical Education
Provider Set:
Mathematics Assessment Project (MAP)
Date Added:
Evaluating the Health of an Urban Wetland Using Electrical Resistivity
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This module introduces students to the fundamental principles and uses of electrical resistivity, with a focus on an environmental application. Students explore the characteristics and environmental setting of Harrier Meadow, a saltmarsh just outside of New York City. They investigate the relationship between electrical resistivity and physical properties of the soil in the marsh. Students also discover how variations in survey configuration parameters control investigation depth (how far into the ground the signals sense) and spatial resolution (what size objects can be detected). Finally, students learn about and then perform geophysical inversion, which is the process of estimating the geophysical properties of the subsurface from geophysical observations. In the final unit of the module, students evaluate the extent to which the geophysical dataset and direct physical measurements support the hypothesis, introduced in Unit 1, accounting for the distribution of Pickleweed in Harrier Meadow.
This module is intended to require approximately 2-3 weeks of class time. Teaching material includes PowerPoints that may be used in lectures or provided for self-guided learning, exercises, and handouts that ask students to synthesize what they learn from the exercises. In addition, multiple choice and short answer questions can be given to students as homework, on quizzes, or on exams.

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Agriculture and Natural Resources
Earth and Space Science
Environmental Studies
Measurement and Data
Physical Science
Statistics and Probability
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Science Education Resource Center (SERC) at Carleton College
Provider Set:
Teach the Earth
Date Added:
Evolution of Normal Fault Systems During Progressive Deformation
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Many papers by Ken McClay and colleagues have established the value of scale-model experiments in understanding the evolution and geometries of extensional fault systems (e.g. T. Dooley and K.R. McClay, 1997, Analogue modeling of pull-apart basins: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 81, no.11, p. 1804 -- 1826).

There are few resources available that help students visualize the dynamic nature of faulting, especially the complex interplay of faults during growth and evolution of a fault system. Such an understanding is critical, however, if students are to think meaningfully about fault geometries and what they imply.

Conducting scale-model experiments in a class setting is useful, but very time-consuming, difficult for all students to see well, and very temporary, except for the end product. Accordingly, taking a cue from a movie produced by Ken McClay, I constructed a deformation apparatus, conducted and filmed several experiments conducted by McClay, and then produced QuickTime movies of the experiments. This approach makes it possible for students to observe an experiment in a minute or two that took 30-45 minutes to produce and to view the experiment repeatedly, so as to become very familiar with all that is taking place.

Individual frames from the movie provide a template on which students can identify the sequence of fault development, rotation of features, and cessation of motion on some faults as they become inactive. Requiring students to document their observations, establish a chronological sequence of events, and explain in writing what happens during the experiment results in an increased awareness of the faulting process.

(Note: this resource was added to OER Commons as part of a batch upload of over 2,200 records. If you notice an issue with the quality of the metadata, please let us know by using the 'report' button and we will flag it for consideration.)

Life Science
Measurement and Data
Statistics and Probability
Material Type:
Science Education Resource Center (SERC) at Carleton College
Provider Set:
Teach the Earth
Date Added:
Examining Changes in Data - African Americans' Education Levels Through the Years
Unrestricted Use
Public Domain
0.0 stars

Students will analyze and compare census data on the education levels of African-Americans in 1850 and in 1880. Students will also discuss how historical events can affect data.

Statistics and Probability
Material Type:
U.S. Census Bureau
Provider Set:
Statistics in Schools
Date Added:
Examining Changes to the Environment Through Pictures and Data
Unrestricted Use
Public Domain
0.0 stars

Students will examine how human actions and population changes can affect the environment. Students will examine a series of photographs that compare famous landmarks (Times Square, the Saltair Pavilion in Utah, Laguna Beach, and Niagara Falls) across time, and then they will identify human-generated changes in the physical environment, such as the addition of bridges and roads. Students will also examine U.S. Census Bureau population and housing data to see how population changes can contribute to changes in the physical environment. In addition, students will describe the impact of these changes on the environment.

Statistics and Probability
Material Type:
U.S. Census Bureau
Provider Set:
Statistics in Schools
Date Added:
Examining Distributions
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0.0 stars

1). Summarize and describe the distribution of a categorical variable in context.
2). Generate and interpret several different graphical displays of the distribution of a quantitative variable (histogram, stemplot, boxplot).
3). Summarize and describe the distribution of a quantitative variable in context: a) describe the overall pattern, b) describe striking deviations from the pattern.
4). Relate measures of center and spread to the shape of the distribution, and choose the appropriate measures in different contexts.
5). Compare and contrast distributions (of quantitative data) from two or more groups, and produce a brief summary, interpreting your findings in context.
5). Apply the standard deviation rule to the special case of distributions having the "normal" shape.

Statistics and Probability
Material Type:
Carnegie Mellon University
Provider Set:
Open Learning Initiative
Date Added:
Exercise 8: Using LiDAR and GPS data to model the water table in ArcScene
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In this exercise, students process LiDAR data for the Hamilton College campus area to determine accurate elevations of wellheads of sampling wells on campus. Students use both GPS readings and orthophotos to determine wellhead locations and combine those with water levels, casing heights, and wellhead elevations to interpolate a groundwater surface under the campus and portray the groundwater in ArcScene. They also learn how to use Model Builder. You might also be interested in our Full GIS course with links to all assignments. You might also be interested in our webinar for the NYS GIS Association on A Simple Example of Working with LiDAR using ArcGIS and 3D Analyst.

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Life Science
Measurement and Data
Statistics and Probability
Material Type:
Science Education Resource Center (SERC) at Carleton College
Provider Set:
Teach the Earth
Date Added:
Exploiting Polarization: Designing More Effective Sunglasses
Read the Fine Print
Educational Use
0.0 stars

Students apply what they know about light polarization and attenuation (learned in the associated lesson) to design, build, test, refine and then advertise their prototypes for more effective sunglasses. Presented as a hypothetical design scenario, students act as engineers who are challenged to create improved sunglasses that reduce glare and lower light intensity while increasing eye protection from UVA and UVB radiation compared to an existing model of sunglasses—and make them as inexpensive as possible. They use a light meter to measure and compare light intensities through the commercial sunglasses and their prototype lenses. They consider the project requirements and constraints in their designs. They brainstorm and evaluate possible design ideas. They keep track of materials costs. They create and present advertisements to the class that promote the sunglasses benefits, using collected data to justify their claims. A grading rubric and reflection handout are provided.

Applied Science
Physical Science
Statistics and Probability
Material Type:
Provider Set:
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Exploring 19th-Century Child Labor Laws in the United States
Unrestricted Use
Public Domain
0.0 stars

Students will examine historical photographs and a data table related to 19th-century industrialization and child labor. They will observe and analyze the primary sources and ask questions. This activity could be used near the beginning of a unit on industrialization or the Progressives.

Statistics and Probability
Material Type:
U.S. Census Bureau
Provider Set:
Statistics in Schools
Date Added:
Exploring Easter Island Economics with Excel
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0.0 stars

Students learn far more from doing than from viewing. By seeing relationships that they have developed themselves, by diagraming those relationships themselves, students learn far more than merely reading over what someone else has done. It is argued that especially for the dynamic problems encountered in environmental and resource economics, Excel has a comparative advantage as a learning aid. We develop a simple, flexible Excel assignment to illustrate the Brander and Taylor (1998) model of the Easter Island economy. Brander and Taylor argue that on Easter Island a crucial natural resource, the island's palm forest, was an open-access (res nullius) resource, leading to over harvesting and eventual societal collapse. Brander and Taylor's simple model showing the interaction of human population with a renewable resource, a forest, mimics what is known about the human population and forest from archaeological evidence.

The open access institutional protection of renewable resources is illustrated by a simple diagram of population and resource stock over centuries, a model much like ordinary predator-prey models in biology. Variations on the basic Brander and Taylor model, such as changes in propoerty rights institutions and/or changes in technology, based on published work in the literature, can be explored and compared to the original Brander and Taylor results of boom and eventual collapse.

Brander, J.A. and M.S. Taylor (1998). The simple economics of Easter Island: A Ricardo -- Malthus model of renewable resource use. American Economic Review

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Agriculture and Natural Resources
Environmental Studies
Life Science
Measurement and Data
Social Science
Statistics and Probability
Material Type:
Science Education Resource Center (SERC) at Carleton College
Provider Set:
Teach the Earth
Date Added:
Exploring Personal Footprints
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0.0 stars

Students apply the main research methods in sociology to explore their personal footprints (i.e., the global consequences of their individual actions).

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Agriculture and Natural Resources
Environmental Studies
Life Science
Measurement and Data
Social Science
Statistics and Probability
Material Type:
Science Education Resource Center (SERC) at Carleton College
Provider Set:
Teach the Earth
Date Added:
Exploring Radiometric Dating with Dice
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0.0 stars

An activity in which students use dice to explore radioactive decay and dating and make simple calculations.

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Life Science
Measurement and Data
Statistics and Probability
Material Type:
Science Education Resource Center (SERC) at Carleton College
Provider Set:
Teach the Earth
Date Added:
Exploring Sampling Variability - Higher Education Attainment Across The United States
Unrestricted Use
Public Domain
0.0 stars

Students will explore the sampling variability in sample percentages of states and the District of Columbia where people aged 25 and older had a bachelor’s degree in 2014, to determine values over 30 percent.

Statistics and Probability
Material Type:
U.S. Census Bureau
Provider Set:
Statistics in Schools
Date Added:
Exploring Tectonic Motions with GPS
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0.0 stars

Using a map showing the horizontal velocities of GPS stations in the Plate Boundary Observatory and other GPS networks in Alaska and Western United States, students are able to describe the motions in different regions by interpreting the vectors resulting from long-term high-precision Global Positioning System (GPS) data.
Show more information on NGSS alignment
Disciplinary Core Ideas
History of Earth: HS-ESS1-5
Earth' Systems: MS-ESS2-2
Earth and Human Activity: MS-ESS3-2, HS-ESS3-1
Science and Engineering Practices
4. Analyzing and Interpreting Data
5. Using Mathematics and Computational Thinking
6. Constructing Explanations and Designing Solutions
Crosscutting Concepts
4. Systems and System Models
7. Stability and Change

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Life Science
Measurement and Data
Statistics and Probability
Material Type:
Science Education Resource Center (SERC) at Carleton College
Provider Set:
Teach the Earth
Date Added:
Finding the Moho under Milwaukee
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0.0 stars

A few PowerPoint or Keynote slides are used to set the historical context of the project and to introduce the general problem (see "Presentation Files" and "Instructors Notes" below). Bouncing a rubber ball in class from differing heights above the floor, and letting students see and hear the effects of differing travel times, helps students understand that longer travel time in a reflection experiment indicates a deeper reflector. The relevant parts of YouTube videos are shown (see links under "Other Materials" below). Have the students measure the time interval between the explosion and the impact a few times while showing the videos. One of the correspondents talks about (and attempts to show) how the bridge vibrated after the explosion.
Pass out the worksheet and the raw seismograms related to the Hoan demolition experiment. Then, with a copy of the seismograms projected onto the screen, hold an initial discussion of how to interpret the graphics: note the time scale, discuss what the different wave amplitudes mean, and so on. Then cluster into groups of 2-4 students and have each group try to "pick" the first arrivals of [1] the explosion-induced direct wave, [2] the impact-induced direct wave, and [3] the corresponding reflected waves. Depending on the type of students involved (intro non-geologists, intro geology/geophysics, geophysics), the teacher can provide more or less assistance in picking the arrivals of the direct and reflected waves.
Work through the quantitative material on the worksheet. Questions about how to handle uncertainty always occur, and if the students do not admit to having questions about this the teacher should ask them how they handle uncertainties. In a nutshell, the resultant uncertainty associated with the sum or difference in two numbers are the sum of the two uncertainties. For example, (23 �� 2) + (14 �� 1) = 37 �� 3. The resultant uncertainty associated with the product of two numbers can be estimated with the sum of the fractional (or percentage) uncertainties. For example, the percentage uncertainty of 23 �� 2 is (2/23) or 8.7% and the percentage uncertainty of 14 �� 1 is (1/14) or 7.1 %, so (23 �� 2) x (14 �� 1) = 322 �� 51 because (8.7% + 7.1%) = 15.8% and 15.8% of 322 is ~51. For a nice summary of simple uncertainty calculations, refer to http://spiff.rit.edu/classes/phys273/uncert/uncert.html or http://webpages.ursinus.edu/lriley/ref/unc/unc.html, or the statistics resources on the SERC website.
When the worksheets are completed, recap the experiment and compare the results with a map of crustal thicknesses for North America (e.g., Braile, 1989, Fig. 23B). Finally, it is nice to have the students evaluate the experience as homework.

(Note: this resource was added to OER Commons as part of a batch upload of over 2,200 records. If you notice an issue with the quality of the metadata, please let us know by using the 'report' button and we will flag it for consideration.)

Life Science
Measurement and Data
Statistics and Probability
Material Type:
Science Education Resource Center (SERC) at Carleton College
Provider Set:
Teach the Earth
Date Added: