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  • Environmental Studies
Unit 3: Modeling a System
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This unit introduces systems modeling, which allows students to quantify and manipulate system components to create system responses. Students use a simple systems model of a bathtub to explore the effect of flow rates on system equilibrium. To complete the unit, students will need a method for creating and sharing diagrams (whiteboards, posters, etc.), and will ideally have access to free systems modeling software.

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Agriculture and Natural Resources
Earth and Space Science
Environmental Studies
Life Science
Measurement and Data
Statistics and Probability
Material Type:
Science Education Resource Center (SERC) at Carleton College
Provider Set:
Teach the Earth
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Unit 3: Monitoring groundwater storage with GPS vertical position
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This unit shows how GPS records of surface elevation can be used to monitor groundwater changes. Students calculate secular trends in the GPS time series and then use the original and detrended records to identify sites that are dominated by the elastic response to regional groundwater changes versus those dominated by local subsidence. They then compare the magnitude and timescales of fluctuations in Earth's surface elevation that result from sediment compaction, regional groundwater extraction, and natural climatic variability. This unit provides students with hands-on experience of the challenges and advantages of using geodetic data to study the terrestrial water cycle. The case study area is in California and the GPS records include the period of the profound 2012 -- 2016 drought.

Show more information on GPS versus GNSS
Note: Although the term GPS (Global Positioning System) is more commonly used in everyday language, it officially refers only to the USA's constellation of satellites. GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) is a universal term that refers to all satellite navigation systems including those from the USA (GPS), Russia (GLONASS), European Union (Galileo), China (BeiDou), and others. In this module, we use the term GPS even though, technically, some of the data may be coming from satellites in other systems.

Show more about Online Teaching suggestions
Online-ready: The exercise is electronic and could be done individually or in small online groups. Lecture is best done synchronously due to the technical nature. Discussion would be better that way too.

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Agriculture and Natural Resources
Business and Communication
Earth and Space Science
Environmental Studies
Life Science
Measurement and Data
Political Science
Social Science
Material Type:
Case Study
Science Education Resource Center (SERC) at Carleton College
Provider Set:
Teach the Earth
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Unit 3: Ocean Habitat and Community Ecology
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Students will be able to identify the functional roles that organisms play in ocean ecosystems. How do human-induced changes in ocean conditions affect biodiversity, and thereby the health and resilience of a coral reef? Students explore and discuss the direct and indirect impacts that ocean acidification can have on species, food web dynamics, ecosystem function, and commercial resources. At the end of this unit the students should be able to articulate how changes in ocean chemistry can create negative outcomes for humans who depend on living ocean resources.

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Agriculture and Natural Resources
Applied Science
Earth and Space Science
Environmental Science
Environmental Studies
Life Science
Physical Science
Material Type:
Science Education Resource Center (SERC) at Carleton College
Provider Set:
Teach the Earth
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Unit 3: Rivers and Water Diversion
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In this unit students will explore surface water and its relationship to the water cycle via watersheds and drainage divides. These topics will inform their analysis of the social and environmental impacts of the planned increase of hydroelectric dams in the Amazon. Case studies include the Ene River and the MaraÃÃn River in Peru.

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Agriculture and Natural Resources
Earth and Space Science
Environmental Studies
Life Science
Material Type:
Science Education Resource Center (SERC) at Carleton College
Provider Set:
Teach the Earth
Ruth Hoff, Wittenberg University. Authored and compiled new case study material based on Unit 3 of Environmental Justice and Freshwater Resources module by Adriana Perez, Jill S. Schneiderman, Meg Stewart, and Joshua Villalobos
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Unit 3: Sensory Data Collection
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In this unit, students will develop protocols for the collection of sensory data (scents and/or sounds), plan and execute the field collection of sensory data using developed protocols, analyze collected data, and create a map that communicates findings and impacts on the local population.
The advantage of using sensory data is that students are equipped with the analytical equipment (ears and nose) and are familiar with its use. However, students may not have taken the time to consider the variety of perceptions that occur within a group of people who are sharing a sensory experience and the impact that variation can have when collecting and analyzing data and subsequently communicating the results.
In this unit, as in the entire module, sensory data is considered in two contexts: First, as an indicator of environmental conditions, and, in some instances, environmental disruption. Second, as a proxy for data that is not as easily collected or as readily analyzed such as air or water samples. One of the challenges of developing these protocols will be discerning individual components from a complex system and developing an approach for systematically recording these data. This, though, gives students important exposure to the challenges of understanding and characterizing today's societal problems, which tend to include many interrelated dynamic causes.

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Agriculture and Natural Resources
Applied Science
Earth and Space Science
Environmental Studies
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Life Science
Measurement and Data
Material Type:
Science Education Resource Center (SERC) at Carleton College
Provider Set:
Teach the Earth
Kate Darby
Lisa Phillips
Michael Phillips
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Unit 3: Streams and Water Diversion
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Unit 3 communicates the critical need for management of fresh water and ways in which citizens may take part in its conservation and restoration. Students explore the relationships between watersheds, drainage divides and the hydrologic cycle using a case study from the Hawaiian Islands involving surface water diversions from a region inhabited by indigenous people to a region comprised of large-scale agricultural fields.

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Agriculture and Natural Resources
Earth and Space Science
Environmental Studies
Life Science
Material Type:
Case Study
Science Education Resource Center (SERC) at Carleton College
Provider Set:
Teach the Earth
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Unit 3: The Interconnected Nature of the Atmosphere, Hydrosphere, and Biosphere
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Using a systems dynamics approach, students will work in groups to conceptualize and construct a model of the global carbon cycle considering five major Earth systems: atmosphere, hydrosphere, geosphere, cryosphere, and biosphere. The models will draw on information from the pre-class activity and invoke system features such as boundaries, stocks, flows, and control variables. Using a scenario describing a global, catastrophic event, the students will consider how new conditions change the behavior of carbon cycling in their model world. Students will use the model to explain changes in environmental variables such as permafrost cover, atmospheric gases, and global temperature, as well as feedbacks within the system.

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Agriculture and Natural Resources
Environmental Studies
Life Science
Material Type:
Science Education Resource Center (SERC) at Carleton College
Provider Set:
Teach the Earth
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Unit 3: Translating the Message
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Students will identify potential stakeholders and assess the importance of communication and interaction among these groups to make recommendations on how to define and develop prepared communities.

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Agriculture and Natural Resources
Earth and Space Science
English Language Arts
Environmental Studies
Life Science
Social Science
Material Type:
Science Education Resource Center (SERC) at Carleton College
Provider Set:
Teach the Earth
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Unit 3. Urban Water - Atmospheric Environment Interactions
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Unit 3 addresses concepts related to urban-atmosphere interactions. The content explores how urban landscapes and atmospheric constituents modify or interact with the atmosphere to affect temperature, clouds, rainfall, and other parts of the water cycle. Fundamental concepts of weather and climate are established. The unit then transitions to focus on the "urbanized" environment and its complex interactions with the atmosphere. Students will learn about interactions such as 1) urban modification of surface temperature and energy exchanges; 2) water cycle components; 3) cloud-rainfall evolution within urban environments; and 4) applications to real societal challenges like urban flooding. The unit integrates basic meteorological/climatological analyses, geospatial thinking, and integration of scientific concepts within a real world context.

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Agriculture and Natural Resources
Applied Science
Earth and Space Science
Environmental Studies
Life Science
Measurement and Data
Statistics and Probability
Material Type:
Science Education Resource Center (SERC) at Carleton College
Provider Set:
Teach the Earth
Marshall Shepherd
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Unit 4.2 - Carbon Budgets
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The purpose of this unit is to explore, compare, contrast, and interpret carbon fluxes from the Ameriflux network to better appreciate the critical factors that account for the different timing and magnitudes of fluxes among these sites. This module will help students complete their semester-long project by introducing them to critical baseline data collection and databases related to carbon budgets.
The primary data set for this activity is the Amerflux network database, which spans over 150 sites throughout the Americas. Each data set is uniformly formatted and can contain up to 45 fields of meteorological and flux data collected from various eddy correlation tower instruments. The lesson is divided up between the following engaging activities:

Background lecture: Introduction to carbon fluxes and balances
Discovery Activity: Students in small groups will compare various annual flux records from four different sites to address questions regarding driving variables, correlation among variables, and causative factors responsible for the overall trend in annual CO2 flux. Group results will be shared and discussed by the whole class as time allows.
Database Access Activity: Students will learn what data exists in the Ameriflux data base and how to load it into an Excel spreadsheet for display using an Amerflux site that also is part of the CZO network.
Carbon Flux Hypothesis Activity: Students will develop a simple hypothesis regarding the timing and/or magnitude of CO2 fluxes and use data from the Ameriflux database to support their ideas.

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Agriculture and Natural Resources
Environmental Studies
Life Science
Measurement and Data
Physical Science
Statistics and Probability
Material Type:
Science Education Resource Center (SERC) at Carleton College
Provider Set:
Teach the Earth
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Unit 4: Balancing the Radiation Budget: A Jigsaw Exploration of the Global Climate System (Part 1)
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In this two-day activity spanning Units 4 and 5, students analyze spatial variation in climate through a map-based jigsaw exploration of NASA's Earth's Radiation Budget Experiment (ERBE) data. By the end of the activity, students will have created maps and graphs illustrating the global radiation balance and used their knowledge to develop and refine hypotheses regarding impacts of global climate change.

Unit 4 (day 1 of activity) begins with a brief student exploration of the global impacts of climate change and how maps can be used to effectively communicate these patterns. Students are then broken into small groups to analyze a map of one of three ERBE datasets. Students are asked to interpret geographic patterns in these data, infer the underlying causes of patterns they observe using knowledge they have accumulated in the previous units, and create an annotated map that clearly illustrates their observations and inferences. During the following class period (Unit 5), they will share their findings with a new group of classmates and work to synthesize the data to estimate the radiation balance.

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Agriculture and Natural Resources
Applied Science
Environmental Science
Environmental Studies
Life Science
Material Type:
Science Education Resource Center (SERC) at Carleton College
Provider Set:
Teach the Earth
Allison Dunn
Bob Mackay
Phil Resor
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Unit 4: Case Study Analysis
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In this unit, student groups will evaluate different environmental case studies to critically investigate qualitative and quantitative data analysis, collection, and inquiry. Students will begin to consider different forms of sensory-related data collection and how experiential knowledge informs the ways in which one forms analytical, evaluative questions. Student expert groups are provided one case study (different expert groups will examine at least two different cases) that has a number of different kinds of resources that students will examine (e.g. journalistic, scientific, narrative, visual, auditory). Students will use cooperative learning methods to engage with problem-based inquiry rather than have the case study information delivered via instructor-based lecture. Given that students across disciplinary contexts may not have been exposed to scientific methods of investigation, this unit encourages systems thinking alongside other methods of investigation. As students consider the variety of perceptions that occur within a group of people sharing an environmental experience, students are able to consider the impact that different types of data have on one's perception of data collection and its analysis. This exercise also demonstrates the utility of interdisciplinary thinking -- by examining data sets from multiple academic disciplines, students gain a more complete understanding of the case study compared to what they would have understood by examining data from a single research approach. The activity also provides students with an opportunity to practice interdisciplinary thinking and collaboration skills. The cases address several key environmental challenges: soil contamination, water resources, and the impacts of industrial agriculture.
A collaborative learning method is used in conjunction with guided class and group discussion to critically examine different types of data and encourage consistency of data analysis between student groups. This unit uses a group exploration and presentation activity to ensure equal distribution of materials and accountability among class participants. In essence, the students teach each other about the case studies with the instructor providing questions to elicit depth and synthesis between groups as well as to ensure that critical data analysis is undertaken.

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Agriculture and Natural Resources
Applied Science
Earth and Space Science
English Language Arts
Environmental Studies
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Life Science
Measurement and Data
Material Type:
Case Study
Science Education Resource Center (SERC) at Carleton College
Provider Set:
Teach the Earth
Kate Darby
Lisa Phillips
Michael Phillips
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Unit 4: Case Study Group Work-Problem Identification
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Units 4, 5, and 6 provide the opportunity for students to delve into a greater examination of food security at a regional level in small teams selecting one of the following locations (Caribbean, New York City, or Nebraska) OR a new location of their choice (provided that information and datasets are easily available and students will work with the instructor prior to the start of the unit) to apply skills and concepts taught in Units 1-3. Unit 4 materials are designed to provide a place-based overview for students to prepare them for the summative assessment, to be submitted in Unit 6, a community-based action plan of how the selected community can increase food security and lessen vulnerability.

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Agriculture and Natural Resources
Applied Science
Environmental Studies
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Life Science
Material Type:
Case Study
Science Education Resource Center (SERC) at Carleton College
Provider Set:
Teach the Earth
Amy Potter
Rebecca Boger
Russanne Low
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Unit 4: Feedbacks in a System
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Feedbacks are a critical part of many systems. In this unit, students use a systems model to explore the effect of positive (reinforcing) and negative (balancing) feedbacks on system behavior. Model results are then used as a basis for interpreting Arctic sea ice data. To complete the unit, students will ideally have access to free systems modeling software.

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Agriculture and Natural Resources
Earth and Space Science
Environmental Studies
Life Science
Measurement and Data
Statistics and Probability
Material Type:
Science Education Resource Center (SERC) at Carleton College
Provider Set:
Teach the Earth
Date Added:
Unit 4: Impacts of Environmental Change on Organisms: Horses
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In this unit, students will gain a deep-time perspective on how life evolves on a dynamic planet. They will use the Equidae (horse family) as a case study to examine the relationship among climate, biomes, and fossils to determine how changing environmental conditions influenced horse morphology and diversity through time. After a brief introduction, students will work in groups to examine data and formulate ideas about why changing climatic conditions and an increase in grasslands led to changes in horse morphology and diversity. This example of adaptive radiation and extinction within one well-known group of organisms in response to changes in Earth's interrelated systems demonstrates how the geologic record provides an important context for understanding modern patterns of biodiversity. Students will also use the data to evaluate earlier and more recent ideas about Equidae evolution to appreciate how scientific ideas can change over time based on new evidence.

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Agriculture and Natural Resources
Applied Science
Earth and Space Science
Environmental Science
Environmental Studies
Life Science
Material Type:
Case Study
Science Education Resource Center (SERC) at Carleton College
Provider Set:
Teach the Earth
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Unit 4: Oceans in Peril: Pressures on Ocean Ecosystems
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Students will read and summarize an article that details scientific studies on behavioral changes of gray whales. Discussed are their feeding behavior, migratory behavior, and breeding patterns in the Pacific. Students will examine the whales' responses and discuss in small groups how the responses relate to climate change. By interpreting potential links between gray whale behavior and changed ocean conditions, students will be able to infer the ecological role that gray whales play within a community and an ecosystem. Students will summarize the main concepts, scientific evidence, data and observations cited, and justify why gray whales can be considered "ecosystem sentinels."

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Agriculture and Natural Resources
Applied Science
Earth and Space Science
Environmental Science
Environmental Studies
Life Science
Physical Science
Material Type:
Science Education Resource Center (SERC) at Carleton College
Provider Set:
Teach the Earth
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Unit 4: Read and Analyze a Short Story
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Building on the work they did in Unit 3, students will perform an "ecocritical" rhetorical reading (the theoretical lens for examining the way that literary texts engage with climate and climate issues) in order to analyze a short story chosen from several provided by the instructor. They will utilize literary terminology in discussing this text and generating a rhetorical analysis of it.

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Agriculture and Natural Resources
Applied Science
Composition and Rhetoric
English Language Arts
Environmental Science
Environmental Studies
Life Science
Material Type:
Science Education Resource Center (SERC) at Carleton College
Provider Set:
Teach the Earth
Date Added:
Unit 4: Risk at Divergent Plate Boundaries
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Volcanoes typically give warning that they are coming out of dormancy and entering an eruptive phase. Being able to recognize those warning signs and take appropriate actions (e.g. evacuations) are important strategies for mitigating risk due to volcanic eruptions. In this activity, students document and interpret ground deformation and seismic activity associated with the 2010 eruption of Iceland's Eyjafjallajokull volcano, from its pre-eruption dormancy, through precursor activity, through the eruption and back into dormancy. Students learn how to recognize data characteristic of an imminent eruption and discover the time frame of precursor activity.

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Agriculture and Natural Resources
Earth and Space Science
Environmental Studies
Life Science
Measurement and Data
Material Type:
Science Education Resource Center (SERC) at Carleton College
Provider Set:
Teach the Earth
Date Added:
Unit 4: The Magic of Geophysical Inversion
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The concepts of forward modeling and inverse modeling

Provenance: Lee Slater, Rutgers University-Newark
Reuse: If you wish to use this item outside this site in ways that exceed fair use (see http://fairuse.stanford.edu/) you must seek permission from its creator.
This unit introduces the student to the concept of geophysical inversion, which is the process of estimating the geophysical properties of the subsurface from the geophysical observations. The basic mechanics of the inversion process used to estimate spatial variations in electrical conductivity from electrical imaging (EI) datasets are introduced in a way that avoids the heavy mathematics. The challenges of inverting two dimensional geophysical datasets and the strategies for limiting the inversion to geologically reasonable solutions are described. The unfortunate characteristics of geophysical images (blurriness, imaging artifacts) are explained to highlight the limitations of inversion and to emphasize that the inverted images never match with geological reality. Students use the Excel-based Scenario Evaluator for Electrical Resistivity (SEER) tool introduced in Unit 3, Field Geophysical Measurements, to investigate key inversion concepts associated with measurement errors and the benefits of adding boreholes to surface data using synthetic datasets. Students are then led through an inversion of the two-dimensional EI dataset acquired in Harrier Meadow using ResIPy, a Python-based graphical user interface developed for instructional use. Following the instructional video, students then perform the inversion in ResIPy themselves and explore how variations in inversion settings related to the errors in the measurements result in distinctly different images.

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Agriculture and Natural Resources
Earth and Space Science
Environmental Studies
Measurement and Data
Physical Science
Statistics and Probability
Material Type:
Data Set
Science Education Resource Center (SERC) at Carleton College
Provider Set:
Teach the Earth
Date Added:
Unit 4: The Water Wars of Cochabamba, Bolivia
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In this unit, students explore water privatization and freshwater access issues within the geophysical and cultural context of Cochabamba, Bolivia. Students identify topographical features that create rain shadows and their relationship to the water cycle. As they discuss several alternative models for supplying water to the residents of Cochabamba, they link concepts of environmental justice to the Cochabamba Water Wars of 2000.

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Agriculture and Natural Resources
Business and Communication
Earth and Space Science
Environmental Studies
Physical Science
Political Science
Social Science
Material Type:
Science Education Resource Center (SERC) at Carleton College
Provider Set:
Teach the Earth
Date Added: